sgt. peanut butter

I saw someone mention that the mumps scenes were reminiscent to Parks and Rec's "Flu Season" sick scenes and after I saw that I immediately agreed. Holt yelling KASE had me dying. I agree with a lot of this review but C- is just so harsh for such a laugh out loud episode… But then again, "C-. The perfect grade. You

I often find myself latching onto the emotional side of B99, too. This episode showcased a lot of emotional development for both Charles and Jake. I was especially fond of the nice exchange between Jake and Charles after he gets tased… actually, any time Jake talks about his dad, I feel for him. But for Jake to tell

Oh yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all. His actions are often times convoluted but he always does it with intention to help, even though what he does is so wrong.

Truthfully I couldn't care less about who Jane ends up with…but Rafael was right about Michael being Jane's weakness. And it always frustrated me that she never realized this. Like, she barely reacted when Michael told her??? Jane was too blinded to even remember that Rafael's father was *obviously* part of why he

Most people think of Damon Wayans Jr. as Coach from New Girl, but in my mind he'll always be Brad from Happy Endings

This episode was stupid good. Brooklyn holiday episodes are always so on point.

"hey, this is weird because i hate you guys… but can i ask you a question"

I think that Rafael knows that Nadine isn't *directly* responsible for Mateo's kidnapping… BUT it was Nadine who was holding Mateo when she and Michael did the exchange for Rose's brooch in that church. And since Michael was her partner and he let her go, I'm assuming that's how Rafael puts it together in his head -

Knowing the writing on this show, there's probably more to it. Everyone thought Michael was fired…but then we found out he just went undercover. Honestly, I'm not on any "team" so I'm not excusing Raf for what he did, it was low to hire someone and lie to Jane about it for months.

Happy this got an A, it's always a great ep when the squad works together. I don't agree with Amy "lowering" herself to be with Jake at all though, they're both huge nerds in their own ways. Anyways, I was also expecting to see a small scene between Jake and Amy because it seems like something that would naturally

I agree Jake and Sophia were fun to watch but remember what she said to him when they broke up - about how he was "fun" and they've "only been dating for three months, it just isn't that serious" and Jake saying "Well, It's kind of serious to me." Jake had that fear with Amy in this episode too, which led to his

Exactly. Even before Jake and Amy got together I always imagined they would transition to dating and sleeping together really easily, but given their insecurities, would take longer and struggle voicing the more serious stuff. It’s not that they’re not all-in, they just don’t know whether the other is. And throughout

I'm relieved the A-plot kind of fizzled, it made way for the great (for real, Andre and Steph KILLED it!) and more serious scenes between Holt and Rosa.
Amy and Gina teaming up is so good. I love the dynamic between those two. Instead of having Gina make fun of Amy, she helps her and then makes her feel better when

I'm glad that even though Jake and Holt were huge jerks, Amy called them out on it. Wish we could've seen a real apology, but at least the problem was made clear to them through her little speech and her angry glances.
Sidenote, Amy is so hot when she's mad?? Also, Amy going from her Holt impression to "My lip reading

"Mark the day, Gina. May 18th at 4pm"
"Oh, honey. We're well into October."

I saw the title for this article and my eyes rolled so far back into my head

I think a lot of it is the way that Andy carries himself. Andy's a goofy dork who is always making people laugh and he seems to be (from how others describe him) a very humble and genuine guy. (It's also definitely how sincere his face gets when Jake talks to Amy.)
I've thought Andy was cute since SNL, so I am a

I'm so proud of Amy?? Jake has been so good at expressing how he feels and it actually kind of surprised me how quick Amy said "I like you too"…and how she brought up making out at work and was the first one to go to Jake after calling things off. It was the lack of showing Amy's feelings last season that scared me

I'll admit at first I thought it did sound kinda silly, but after I found out where/how he came up with it, my mind changed (bon hiver = good winter)

"You were fired from the White House in April, is that correct?"
"Yes, the drama queen in me likes to say they sacrificed me at easter."