sgt. peanut butter

*collapses on bed*
Fuck you, America.

I laughed so loud when they were in the interrogation room and Gina just blurted "Gina and Terry got it, you GRACKLE!" followed by "Sorry, sir. Didn't know that's how you wanted to play it." I also loved that Gina followed Holt.

Loved the A-plot, B-plot paaaaled in comparison. But I find that even when this show has a mediocre episode (by my B99 standards), it's still a lot better than most. That slow motion scene though!

Please talk about Amy. Your analyzing is so great. It makes me love the show even more.

I kind of like that the double tuck is unnatural. I could totally picture Amy, queen of everything organized, having this noticeably strange habit for when she gets flustered that she is so clearly oblivious to.

"I'm almost crying. I didn't know I could still almost do that."

I'm not a super fan, but I enjoy their music. And I guarantee that if they kept the banjo for this record, people would have still complained, except it would have been for making the same songs. Mumford & Sons, along with every other band that tried to change their sound and evolve, can't win…at least not at first.

I loved the whole wedding plot. So many good moments. And I agree that the whole Marcus thing was weak and felt rushed. I found Rosa saying "I love you" felt unwarranted. We know her as a character and I feel like we have to see a revelation bigger than what we saw to get her to say those words.
However I don't mind

Tatiana will be back. Amy mentioned it during her book tour in Toronto when Tatiana interviewed her.

I wish they had Andy continue the 'oh noooooooooo' until after the break, too. That would've been as hilarious as Alex krumping in Happy Endings (https://www.youtube.com/wat…