sgt. peanut butter

This was a great episode, but my favourite moment was definitely Gina's "I freaking love you losers." Coming from her, that line was pretty heartwarming.

This was such a B99 strange episode to watch, especially when those opening credits started playing. But still hilarious as hell.
Also, I seriously hope they never change those credits. It's perfect.

They're already married actually. But the commercial is entertaining either way lol

Hahaha when I saw Chelsea's videos my eyes rolled, out of affection. I love her tweets.

There has to be other people online who are more worthy of something like this. I don't know who, but there has to be. I'll admit, I enjoy a good vine here and there (although not his)… but basing a Netflix show on this dude? I'll pass

I thoroughly enjoyed this mini album. There Will Be Time is so positive and uplifting. Whoever enjoyed this, check out their collaboration with Dharohar Project from 2010 when they toured in India with Laura Marling if you haven't yet. You'll hear one of the first versions (or at least the chorus) from "Broken Crown"

Jorma's "yep yep yep yep werp werp werp" is my favorite part of I'm So Humble. Same with Andy's terrible singing in Mona Lisa. I was already excited for this movie, now I'm REALLY excited.

If Dan and Amy got together, they would be so. dysfunctional. And honestly, that's why I want it to happen. Imagine watching that shitstorm unfold, it would be equal parts entertaining and uncomfortable hahaha

Strange to say that nothing really matters in this episode except for the ending. The small Amy/Jake stuff did matter. We needed progression and even though it became an afterthought, it was still an important decision to come to. (It just occurred to me that before this arc, Charles and Amy never really have plots

I love when the writers have people from A, B, and C-plots interact with each other. It just feels natural and less claustrophic (which is a problem I've personally found with B99 this season), especially when people of different plots go the entire episode doing cop work and not talk at all. This episode did

My only problem with this episode was, Mindy skipped Hamilton. That is what my spring break dreams are made of.

Wait til the last episodes of the season. The promo pics show she's going undercover as a pregnant woman. Hahaha!!

"We all have different ideas, and no one is compromising."
"I WOULD compromise… but I refuse to not do mine."

"I've been through hell!"
"Big deal. I worked at a sunglass kiosk at the mall for four years. So not only have I been through hell, I was assistant manager there."

I enjoyed this one. Definitely a lot of funny moments but I'm with Latoya on the "problem" of this season. Remember when B99 got that early January renewal last year? and we haven't heard anything yet this year (I mean, I know the move to Tuesday has something to do with it too and I'm pretty sure it'll get renewed,

I've said this before but, even when it doesn't have an A episode, it's still a really solid episode.

From how others have described him, and just the vibe I get from interviews, Andy seems like a genuine and humble guy. I love that TLI is still his priority. And it's funny, whenever he mentions them, he always says their names like 'Akiva and Jorma, The Lonely Island guys' because they're obviously not as known as he

Oh my god, this whole episode was gold. The show is really at its best when the plots are all interconnected, versus the B and C plots we normally get. I knew it was only a matter of time until we got Andy rapping on an episode. (Also, Boyz 2 Menorah!! I really miss Happy Endings.)

Yeah, this ep wasn't full of laughs (although there were great moments) but I really love Jake's progression as a character, so naturally I loved this ep. When B99 first started I wasn't interested in getting into another slow burn couple, but here I am, So Into Them. It's the way the writers made me root for them,

I am so happy Amy was the first to say "I love you." Amy's always been portrayed as the reserved one, and while Jake is the same way, it's usually him telling Amy how he feels first. Despite his issues, Jake loves so hard, and it was important for both of their characters that Amy said it. Jake is such a good and real