
You know I really enjoyed it, but Caesar's scowl promises so much more than these films have ever really delivered. It's pretty hard to follow up on making a chimpanzee riding a horse and holding a shotgun look absolutely badass, to be fair. At the end of the day, with how expensive these films must be to make the

This show is just exceptionally bad at balancing artistic merit with commercial success. It's incredibly popular and yet it still behaves as if its desperate to avoid cancellation, whereas a show like GoT takes its popularity as license to do whatever the hell it wants. But at this point the show's story is entirely

Yeah, it's actually an interesting view of how a segment of our culture regards spirituality. It's like "no atheists in foxholes" except reversed. As far as it's concerned, anybody who isn't an uncompromising materialist is bonkers or just confused.

That's an excellent point. I'm reminded of Cartel Land, where the vigilante organization's founder watches his militia become a protection racket and then a government funded extension of the cartels it was founded to fight off.

A lot of stuff happened and it had a decent twist (although it was kind of swiped from the comic). I'm happy.

Honestly, I don't think there's any political commentary here- Cap's argument is that if they give authority over tier actions to the UN, they'll become weapons for the agendas of various world leaders rather than actually helping people. Which is an excellent argument. He's not saying casualties are acceptable, just

Talk about trying to squeeze profundity out of a dumb cliche because Arrow is literally nothing other than cliches. Darhk's master plan has involved how many convenient plot devices that just happen to be related to our main cast? How many times has Oliver had to be reminded about the power of friendship? How many

I think the reason this is so hard to figure out is that the actual explanation won't make any sense and could thus be anything.

There was a time when Arrow wasn't awful? I mean, it's enjoyably awful, but it's always been awful. It's just more grating as the cheap tricks for drama stay the same and the payoff of some small degree of depth or artistry diminishes. There was a time when the flashbacks were actually kinda fun.

They're either trying to set expectations really low because they want to make the big death coming up happen to someone who isn't super consequential, or they're setting up to kill off a lot of characters. Knowing this show, I'm guessing (and kinda hoping) the former.

No, I don't expect people to come around to this specifically en masse (though there are businesses now that sell acorn flour, which is amazing). I learned about it originally because I wanted to be self sufficient, and I think I was between what Charles Eisenstein calls the old story and the new story. The old story

Short answer: they're free, they're healthy, they're really good in pancakes.

Not in a single morning. Even hot leaching takes most of a day.

You'd be surprised.

I realize I'm probably the only person who watches TWD who regularly eats acorns, but the idea that you can get rid of the bitterness by just sticking them in the oven is annoyingly ridiculous.

Just saying, Rick really isn't to blame at all here. There was no way of anticipating the wolves attack, and even if they had the horde would have come, because it broke out on its own.

Good review, but who are the Window and Matilda?

I realize this isn't saying much with Gotham, but am I the only one who thought this episode was way above average in terms of editing, writing, acting, and just general ambition? Characters actually said things that gave their characters something resembling depth and development. Hell, Nygma's speech about how

For the entire episode I was expecting some reveal that Henry was Zoom and that Earth 2 Henry Allen became a speedster and actually did murder his wife. Then the episode ended with no hint that I was right and now I'm disappointed.

That last scene in episode 2, though. I've never seen anything make one dude beating up over a dozen seem so believable. That microwave hitting that guy in the head is going to be floating around my mind for days. The whole season varied from good to great, but that scene was the highlight of the whole thing in my