
For me, I'd have to say that out of the whole season, Tyreese's death was probably my favorite episode. I mean, the season premiere was pretty great too, but that episode was firing on all cylinders.

I don't think the show is ever trying to argue that Carol is necessarily a "good guy" anymore- more just that she is extraordinarily dangerous and very, very good at getting what she wants. I could easily see Rick being put in a situation where he would have to kill her- he practically did once before. I don't know if

I was really hoping it would mimic a scene from the comic where she looks at her sword on the wall and says to it, "get ready."
But it was cool for what it was, which was totally unnecessary. Like I couldn't have figured out where the next season was heading from the rest of the show.

I keep thinking they'll go somewhere with that eventually. It seems like such an obviously good idea to make Daryl gay. Or maybe a not-very-good-but-intuitive idea. I mean, between that haircut and apparent lack of interest in women, whatever Daryl is, he's definitely not straight.

Why do so many people think Rick wanted to execute Pete? He never agreed to that. He wanted to because of his feelings for Jessie, but that was never his stated goal. His terms were "separate them, and if he refuses to accept that, kill him". Then Carol provoked him into not accepting it, and Rick ended up killing

That's the idea.

Alexandria abandons people to get eaten alive. They let someone beat their wife on a regular basis, and who knows what else they've gotten away with. They also let someone leave the gate open and bring walkers in. Nobody has tried to invade them by pure chance- which, as this episode is clearly implying, is not going

But Carol wanted that to happen- I mean, maybe not for him to kill someone in the process, but I doubt she minds. But she basically killed Pete in that scene by driving him crazy enough that he would try to attack Rick.

Yeah, his original death was kinda pointless. Kirkman said he just randomly decided to sit down and kill Abraham that day, it wasn't even planned.
I think the more logical decision is Daryl or maybe Carol, but of course, Daryl's unkillable, so who knows. Abraham would be an easy one, but I don't think it would be as

I think the whole point of this season was "yes."
He came super close to losing it by killing Pete, but he didn't until it was clear he had to die. Where Shane tried to kill Rick to be with Lori, Rick didn't let his desire to be with Jessie drive him to kill Pete. I think the point of the last few episodes was

He's fucking brilliant, if you ask me.

I think the whole point of the Wolves is going to be basically to prove that Rick was completely right.

He wants them to stop pretending the world hasn't changed and how to live in it, basically. He's nothing like the Governor, though.

Yeah, zombie pile-ups are not really that big a deal, based on what we've seen.

I'm kinda relieved Glenn isn't getting the Lucille treatment. No character deserves a death that brutal twice, especially not Glenn.

I don't know how they got through in the beginning. Were the walls built before they showed up? I don't think so. There's no way they were living out in the open while they built them. They had to have had somebody protecting them.

Pretty sure that's because the two have barely had a scene together all season.

I don't know how they'll manage, but I sure fucking hope they do.

Truthfully, mainly because TJ Williams is a great actor. But the character definitely had stuff to work with: he's a lot like Eugene in that he had feelings of inadequacy, having been handicapped most of the time and feeling responsible for the death of both Tyreese and Beth. I don't know that he had an unusual amount

Eugene isn't a major character. He just isn't. The comic and TV show have diverged at so many points, you can't say just because he was important in one he's important in the other. Hell, look at Tyreese.
Abraham doesn't need to die, but neither did Tyreese.
They could have given T-Dog a character arc and something to