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    Very good season overall. Better then first one. Sad for all Mount people to die. But there was no other way, really. They bring it on themselves. Hate Lexa. Horrible cold emotionless person.

    Yep. Agree about Daryl completely. Rebel Without a Cause now. Always angry and intense for no reason. Becomes annoying.

    That was surprisingly nice ans charming episode.

    I like how grounders speak perfect English with very visible american accent. Specially Lexa. It just takes away reality from show and sometimes I feel like we are watching Xena.

    Gosh that was awful episode. Whole Sue stuff were embarrassing. Sue doesn’t make sense at all anymore. It’s like - when will she end up in psych ward or in prison?

    There will be no weekly reviews? Or what? Why? Please. It’s just fun to watch it and then complain in the comments. Does any other site review second season? I need reviews.

    This was like Lost episode. Totally felt like one once they started jumping time.

    Well they try to bring back magic from first season. And it’s kinda working. It does feel like old time Glee. Those horrible last seasons with those awful new members are forgotten. Don’t understand why they bring back that stupid Kitty chick. But whatever.
    At least they threw away those others.

    But why? Next time Valerie could be cast in some big blockbuster movie. Or some franchise. And see how that one will go.

    I give it A+. And whole season is A+ from me. Such an amazing show. Still can’t believe it didn’t get any nominations from SAG and GG. As Valerie amazingly said it “It’s HBO. Not that many people are going to see it.”

    Seriously I can’t believe that Lisa Kudrow and Comeback did not get any nominations from SAG and Golden Globes. So unfair.

    Stop killing characters The 100. Out of nowhere the (presumingly) kill Anya. And that young guy. Why should we care for all those people to survive when you kill them every episode for no reason.

    Don’t spook everything up! Don’t made producers to torture us with some awful annoying kids. And you know all kids in tv shows are awful and annoying.

    Great fake out with baby. I believed it was real. I was thinking: "Will Jaha magically land at the exact place as the others? Because Earth is big. And he may land on the other continent or at that place when he will never get to others".

    Yep. Last 20 minutes was like a different show. It was like a Leftovers that we wanted. Like the show promised us to be but then failed and turned to boring atsy-fartsy show.
    That was the first time when I enjoyed the show. It was epic. Finally that amazing music delivered epic material. Because music is so good on

    Peter Capaldi was fine. Still looks old. Kinda sexy for his age but still old. And they spend so much time focusing on that fact that new Doctor is old. Which was even more depressing. I with they would not focus on it so much.

    Yes to everything.

    Well - finally it’s over. Should have been over last season. Because they didn’t had anything new to say. Now HBO must create new Summer Show.

    I like how there were whole 4 people in the GR that were actual human beings. Patty, wife, Liv Tyler and the dead woman. All other members are just like "other Lost people". They just hang out in the background and being silent and don’t connect to anything.

    Well theree is a reason why this show has such low ratings as 0.8 and only 1,636 million viewers. Because people can’t connect with this show. There are no interesting sympathetic characters that people can root for. All of them are depressing and sad idiots.