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    That was painful to watch. I was watching and suddenly wanted to see early seasons of True Blood when it was in it’s full glory. Now it’s only shadow.

    Well 7 episodes in, only 3 left and I still don’t know what this show wants from me.
    What is the main plot? The main mystery? Who should we root for? What we want to find out? I literally don’t care about any character at all. There are no sympathetic characters here. Sometimes they tease with some lame little mystery

    I’m ready to abandon it. It looks like it will not get better. 5 episodes in, only 5 episodes left and we still don’t know what this show wants to show us. What is the purpose. What is the main plot about? Who should we root for? What mysteries should we want to know? Nope. What we have:

    Stopped watching after few episodes of season 1. Couldn’t take it anymore. Came here today to see what is up in the world of Under The Dome. Well I can see that things are worst and worst. Just stop watching it people. It’s crap.

    I had to remember that too. There were 3 look-a-like brunets last season. And it was hard to tell them apart. Because actresses did look a lot like each other. Erics sister Nora, that vampire woman who is hanging with Jason and that Willa - new vampire that Eric made. Or whatever her name is. I completely forgot

    Well I just watch it to get over with it. I don’t care about anything that happens. And I FastForward almost all the time. It’s easier when you skip the most boring parts.

    Seriously. That was simply idiotic. She could have just turned it off so it would not ring.

    I give it D. This episode was offensive to viewers. Worst episode in probably history of True Blood. If this is their plan for whole season then we can stop watching it now. They should have ended True Blood after last season. They simply don’t have any new ideas for characters.

    *Why they were dressed up like doctors in the photo? I didn’t get it.
    *Still don’t understand why they had to kill Daniel for no reason.

    Yep. Peter suddenly loked so short when he was standing next to Alan and camera was sliding slowly away. How tall is he?

    I still don’t understand - will they finish show in one season? Or, as Tina Fey said, they will shoot it until everyone will hate it? Will there be second season?

    Yeah, agree - awful episode all around. it was ridiculous and over the top before but it was fun to watch. In this last episode I was just rolling my eyes with every new twist. So annoying and cliché it was.

    Well saddest part is that I was not surprised that season would have such lame finale. Everything was coming to this. They created interesting premise, characters. found good actors… and then didn’t know what to do with all of it.

    Oh God, every new episode is worse then previous. How many episodes left? 1 or 2? I can’t with it. What happened to their writers? Second season was so good. Third season started good but then it became so awful that it’s embarrassing for everyone involved.

    Well it’s sad. Because this show had potential to be good and must watch. Like one of those creepy and scary horror movies. When you would be intense all the time, not knowing what’s gonna happen next. But instead we have some very poorly written story, with weak casting, weak characters, awful dialogs. That brother

    I don’t care about any of those characters. And I really liked MADISON and was rooting for Kyle. Madison was Lindsay Lohan like idiot but she was harmless. Now she it basically cheer leader villain of the Scholl that bullies good and shy girls.
    KYLE is still in his zombie state. Why he is even in this show? There is

    I give up on this season. I mean I will watch to the end but I refuse to take it seriously or care about it. It just like: “Whatever, finish this season and we’ll wait to see what you will create for next one”. And it’s shame because I really liked last season about psych ward. It was terrifying and it felt real. I

    Also – main character dies again for no reason, just to be alive in few minutes. Also characters suddenly take 180 turn. Madison was basically harmless entitled pretty face. Now she is villain who wants to kill Misty… Also – Misty and her storyline – why? She is powerful witch, she will get out from that grave in a

    You gave it A-? I was ready for C. I would even give it F. Such disappointing episode. And this is what we waited for weeks? It was the most boring episode of the season.

    You know I completely agree about almost everything. "Clara.has no character of her own" is right description of her.