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    Oh God. I’m, shocked. Shocked at how bad it was. I was actually looking forward to it. I was preparing to watch every episode. It has interesting actors and those popstars. And promos were fine. But oh my God how bad it was.

    That Tobias guy bothered me. He is nice character. Have nothing against that. But how old is he? He doesnt even look like he is 26 or something. He looks like he is 35 years old man and they try to say to us that he is like 17 and is school boy.

    Well, second episode was better then boring first. Why Hollywood STILL makes teenagers so annoying. I refuse to believe that every school person in USA is so annoying and stupid. Yet Hollywood tries to tell me this is true….

    Also Anna’s running away was kinda stupid and not believable. Really. They all know that love is not real. Thats its only show. Of course Bachelor-guy will not fall in love after just picking them up an throwing away each week. But then Anna was so surprised when he said he doesnt love her and its all fake? And then

    I feel sorry for Adam. He was good guy and did not deserve to be threated like that. Really. He hated show, did not want to be there but did everything that they asked from him. And then was threated like that at the end. Poor thing.

    Overall good show. I enjoyed it. It was fun to watch. But some moments are just too ridiculous.

    You are not the only one. Not only tech. But presumably for years they were giving to residents new coffee, tea, beer, milk, bread, meat, rice and all the other food. In new shiny bottles. Which means they had to have food factories. They had to have fields, collect coffee where it grows, fly to India for tea.

    Great show. Sad ending. Still my brain refuses believe that those like 50-100 people at the mountain woke up in the future 2000 years later where everything went to ashes and were able to rebuild whole town. Not only that but in the future where no one can walk outside they could create for the town:
    - new windows

    First minutes I secretly hoped that Mary will be somehow alive and will go to hospital.
    Her poor sister and daughter.

    After they stabbed Jon Snow I was like: "Dear White Walkers, please come and kill everyone in those kingdoms and put those people out of their misery. They are all awful people. Please kill them all".

    I wish they would kill off Arya instead of Jon Snow. Im so not interested in her storyline in that weird place. So boring. Arya has been boring for few season now. I guess i was boring with her from the start even.

    Its obviously a joke.
    - Kristina Karo wants to get attention. Because why not. Every performer wants to. Mila was chosen because she was born in Ukraine.
    - TMZ wanted to get attention by fueling to this story. And they got it. TMZ is being mentioning by every news outlet that runs this story. Great PR for TMZ site
    - Mila

    There were whole families in that town that survived 2 years since apocalypse. It certainly way better then Rick killing his crazy best friend, losing wife and losing his mind now.

    Somehow they were fine all this time. But when Rick showed up - it all went bad in a second. Because plot needs it. Really, that whole thing is stupid. If all those people survived 2 years without Rick then they are fine.

    I suspect that they will kill 3-4 main characters in finale. Cast it too big now. Too expensive. I think those might be: Rosita, Tara, Maggie, maybe Eugene, will they dare to kill Rick?

    Yeah. They'll probably kill her off. Because they don’t know what interesting storyline to create for her for few seasons now. So she just hangs out there in the background. They tried to make her mourn Beth but it looked very fake. Because she never showed any love or caring for Beth. And then they left it. And she

    Also Oh My God at Sasha. You know what was my first thought was when they killed Tyrese? I thought: "Oh Gawd, no. Now Sasha will be angry and annoying while mourning him for the rest of the season". And guess what? It happened. Because it happens every freaking time. I'm glad that Noah didn’t had sister or father on

    Can someone tell Rick that he looks ridiculous with all his baby tantrums? And all that whining about: "You can’t live like that. You are weak. You will die". Because reality is:

    Still don’t understand one thing. So when they were in space they did not know if any person was alive on Earth, right? They thought they were saving human race. But now we see how Mount people had electricity, could send signals, ALIE has electricity. We saw like few thousands people only on like 100 kilometers

    Now I have to remember those few that left Jaha in desert half way and returned home. Smart choice. Hope they would make it.