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    I was looking at Matt Smith and just thought how stupid it all is. He was no one before he was lucky enough to be cast as legendary Doctor. Probably every UK actor dreams about it. Those who are not A-listers. And then he was. And become super famous in one day. And everyone adored him as Doctor. He could have stayed

    And I still have big problem with Clara. I liked all Doctors companions. They were kind of fun people. And actresses were good. I did not like Amy too much. She was too annoying most of the time. But at least she had feelings that actress could show. While with Clara… I’m sure that actress is a nice person, she is

    Well it was ok episode I guess. I would probably give it B. But overall I didn’t like it too much. Why they had to bring all Doctors enemies again? For the 100 time? What’s the point when Doctor kills all daleks when they are again alive and well in next episodesI lost count at how many times Doctor killed all his

    Thank you for review. I felt the same. I wanted to see this kind of documentary about Britney’s ordinary life behind closed doors for some time. I kind of felt this way that Britney is looking robotic and personality free in interviews for the past few years, but she might be looking normal behind closed doors.

    Well it’s not perfect, there are plot holes and people resurrect 5 minutes after they die and all… But all thing apart - it’s really fun. I too think that reviewer takes it too seriously. With all those low grades and stuff.

    I don’t really have big hopes for next season. What interesting can they do? They will find another big bad terrorist that will have evil plans to hurt America (blow bombs, kill president or something). He might have some rat inside CIA (to make things more tense). And then for 12 episodes Carrie will try to catch

    That whole thing when Carrie was suddenly good worker was still weird as hell. Because we know Carrie. We were with her 3 seasons. She loved Brody so much that she disobeyed every direct order from her command. They were about to escape. And then CIA betrayed her and gave up Brody for execution.

    Anyway. I really liked how Brody was confident in this episode. Many people didn’t like him because he was always miserable. scared and depressed. But he was really interesting when few times he knew what he was doing and was confident. It was ok episode and good "almost series finale" . But I didn’t buy so many

    I don’t understand why you have such problems with Brody and begged him to die in every review. Well your wish is granted. Go get candy :) I like Brody and am very sad that he is gone. And unlike some other people - I kinda don’t care anymore about what will happened next season. I think that producers kept Brody

    Another race card? Really? Well I’m white and I don’t hate black characters on this show this season. I don’t feel like that voodoo chick is bad. I don’t hate poor stupid Queenie that just want’s to be respected and loved. I don’t hate anyone actually. They are all crazy lunatics. One moment they are monsters, then

    They were laughing at all those Madea movies and how stupid they look.

    I watched it again. It’s hard to understand if it is open or broken. But there is blood. I personally think that writers did not want to show dead body of a baby so they just showed us bloody empty carseat. Because they needed to get rid of baby because what will they do with her. She will scream, she will want to

    Also - it’s not like Governor planned to die and let Rick live so that Rick would suffer Hershels loss. He was suer that he will win and Rick will die. There was no reason for him to torture Rick with that death. He would totally execute Michonne.

    Daryl can lead raids. Rick send him to raid and he perfectly did that job. It’s not like Rick told him to not go but he did anyway. That’s what I’m talking about. He can’t confront his leader and do what he thinks is right. Like with Carol stuff. She was his truly best friend. The one that cared for his personality

    Well I don’t hate Michonne this season. She is better then she was last one.

    You know that after that farm massacre when they were split and lost Andrea - they could have set place where everyone will meet if anything like that will happen again. Like: "People, if we will be split somehow then we will all meet in the town Smalville or at that bar called Joker on that road. And we will leave

    Well for zombie and apocalypse of course! People love shows about survival, when civilization ends and people try to survive. Walking Dead has amazing cinematography, zombie make up and interesting charismatic actors. But writing is so bad.

    Yeah, everyone thinks that this is him because they (writers) point us at it all the time. And are hinting us: "look people, this guy is so shady, he definitely hides something".

    And on Carol situation. I said that they (writers) will just rush with everyone’s reaction to her banishment. And they did. I was watching at poor simple Daryl, and how he was like: “Oh man, how could you do that? Without talking to us first. Now what we are suppose to do with those 2 girls. Whatever. Let’s go tell

    6. It was funny how Sasha miraculously recovered in few hours after that deadly flu and was with other gang when Governor attacked. It’s like – then why other Woodbury people did not join? Oh right – they can’t because they are furniture, have no faces and personality. It was funny when they were sitting in that bus