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    Few thoughts:
    1. Rest in peace Hershel. You were doomed. They needed to kill some big character for some cheap shock factor and you were the most expendable. Because of your leg. You can’t run with it. And they left prison. So…

    It will be long. But wanted to say it. Sorry for bad English.

    What did you do with your site? Didn’t come few weeks here, came to read about Glee and oh my God - it’s unreadable! Everything is too big, I had to make it smaller with Ctrl + - . Picture is too big. Navigation on site is worse now. Why change something when it was good? And as always - it’s always worse then it

    Yeah. I don’t understand it too. They are freaking witches. They can do anything.

    Yeah. I can’t believe that they killed Madison so early. I’m not a fan of Emma Roberts but she was surprisingly interesting as Madison.

    Word. My thought exactly. I wanted to jump into screen and do it myself. They could easily do it. They have plenty of time.

    I also wonder where are all dogs. It’s obviously that after their masters died - all of them went free and search for food. If this was to be reality then so many aggressive animals would run on the streets and people would have to look back every second.

    Yeah it always amazes me how they bring bunch or "Lost people" from Woodbury. But all of them apparently are completely useless, they can’t do anything, can’t help with anything, can’t be part of "main gang", they have no personality of faces. And we only find out their names and personalities only when they will

    I don’t know. I guess I’m ready to abandon Glee forever now. Wanted to leave it back in April. Did not even watch some last 4-5 ep. of last season. But then returned to see how they will handle Cory’s death. And now wondered what will happen after that Quarterback episode. And well - it wasn’t as cheesy bad as it

    So now what? Will they follow Carol and her trying to survive on her own? That would be the most logical way. That what they SHOULD do. That would be interesting. Or will they just forgot about her and then she will show up one more time sometimes during season. Only to heroically sacrifice herself and save Rick or

    Well Tyreese doesn’t look like a smart person who can figure out anything. He looks like masculine guy whose brains are in his muscles. There is zero chance that he would figure out that Carol did it. Even we had no idea and couldn’t even suspect that Carol could do that until they pointed our faces in it. If Rick

    He lip-synced because he can’t read rap to his own songs. That’s why. It was not problem with mic. The most ironic thing that I was not surprised at all. Because Eminem did lip-sync in his performances at awards shows a lot in the past. And when I found out that he will be musical guest - I wondered if he will sing

    Eminem was so off. He looks "off" during his entire comeback. He used to be kinda "mean and fun" at the same way. Sarcastic. Now he is just… Lifeless and empty. Is he on drugs again or what? And I think that he lip-sync entire time. I watched twice - he did not sing live. People should call him on it.

    Show was surprisingly good. That song about girlfriend and boyfriend was amazing. Should go straight to ITunes.

    Seriously – that stupid and annoying daughter. I just can’t. She has more screen time this season then Brody… WHY? Who cares about her? Why do we even have to spent time with Brody’s family when he is basically not in the show anymore? We should never spend a minute with his family this season. I just push FastForward

    I also refuse to call him Ezekiel. He will always be Helo. I can’t believe they got rid of his human body in one episode.

    I think this was one the most awful SPN episodes since I don’t even remember when. I was just offensive and disrespectful to viewers.

    You just had to whine and bring racism to everything, do you? Just can’t help yourself. Last season in True blood last there was Willa (white woman with  long black hair), Eric’s sister  (white woman with long black hair) and that new vampire that made Jason her slave  (white woman with  long black hair).

    Well it was message to all of us that are angry that he died from overdose. They know that people talk about it in comments and write articles about it. That’s why there was that message: "No matter how he died. He died and it’s sad".It was said to us - viewers.

    Episode was like everyone thought it would be. Everyone are sad and they sing sad songs and remember how good person Finn was. I really wish they would just ignore death and would pretend that Finn is alive and just went somewhere.  To army, job in other town or something else.