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    He was in a movie with Chris Colfer "Struck by Lightning ". He was good and enjoyable in small supporting role. Actor is a lot better then actress that plays daughter. They should have killed Charlie and let Danny alive.

    The whole “Monroe is in fight club” thing… And whole time I was thinking: “How stupid is it to fight like that in this world. They actually know that they will loose their teeth when they punch each other like that and no one will give them new fake teeth, right?  There are no dentists there to replace them. So pretty

    I watched second season premiere and I officially give up on this show. I just don’t care anymore about anything that is happening. About any character. At all. There was some sense  in finishing S1 because we wanted to know how it will finish. And where producers will lead us. And we saw.

    @DDB900:twitter  - please. She/he could have write "Rich people in High School" and "Rich & powerful families' But she/he had to include "white".

    I didn’t even planned to watch it. How they plan to continue for 20 episodes with this plot? It’s looks like a plot for 1.5 hours movie. Also I’m tired of those terrorists, gang of bad guys that will terrorize one family or person.

    I was surprised that they had the guts to kill Gus. In 95% of the shows he would be miraculously saved in the last 5 seconds. I thought the same thing when Sonya opened that thing that Gus was in: "Wow, what a perfect timing to find Gus at the last 10 seconds of his life". I.m glad that they did not follow that step.

    I seriously wonder how in tolerate and saint America such racist posts are approved. It kills me every time when someone writes: "I hate shows about white people", "Oh, another white actor", "Oh, show about rich & powerful white families, "I hate show about rich White people". And you always know who wrote those

    I liked it. I did not expect that it would actually be this cool. Good casting. I was surprised that guy from Star Trek and Flash Forward died.  I was totally expecting him to be regular on this show when I saw him.

    I knew it was fake because I checked some reviews before I started watching it. So it was never problem for me. But really - you should have understand it by some 2-3 episode. With all the craziness that was going around and people die or getting deadly sick and no paramedics on set. Just go to Internet and read

    I liked how those military villains were forcing everyone down and look on the ground while our cameramen were just wondering around, filming villains as they prepare to kill everyone. It’s like villains did not see them. They were probably wearing Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility. That’s the only explanation :)

    Hilarious but for some 30 seconds I couldn’t understand who was left behind and shot.  Everything was dark and I still can’t remember everyone’s names correctly. So I was just checking their faces in the truck. Like - you are here, you are here, ok who is missing? Or right - that goth girl that I completely forgot she

    I freaking love Siberia. It’s so sad that ratings are bad. And now what? I hate when shows do that. Not finishing stories and end of cliffhanger. And then probably be canceled. Siberia was slow at first. But then it become more and more interesting with each episode. And I have to give them respect – they closed

    I did like Diane Kruger in the first
    episode more. She did look little crazy. She was almost believable. I saw the first
    episode of the original series and there detective looks like a convincing lunatic
    too. Diane Kruger is not the best actress out there, so I was pleasantly
    surprised by her.