
No thugs in our house, are there dear?

No, it was The Sociopath Quiz by Ron Jonson.

Who mixes vodka?

Guy's an American Hero!

not as weird as erik estrada walking around with his son's umbilical cord around his neck.

Even worse in that case given the 1. something billion Indians.

Hire a sex corn.

Only if you observe the campsite rule.

From what I understood, if you are an unskilled worker or even a tradesperson, the free movement of labour around the EU meant that your wages were undercut drastically by workers from places like Poland. Seems like a legitimate beef to me.

"Explosive decapitations"

"Local Lutheran Minister Loves to Fuck His Wife"

I thought for satire you exaggerate what is already there. I don't know McChrystal's personality but it doesn't sound like he was considered a goof.



Or unironically: Cilantro is this year's basil.

Israelis are Asian aren't they? As well as a whole whack of Russians.

line matching

Or: Sidney Crosby has had Semin all over him tonight.

it might be intentional with Pierre. He also said: "Alexander Ovechkin just explodes into his man!"

My wife is from MN and she is super white too. And she's not even white!