
I read the first few of these books but got annoyed that he basically was practicing the literary version of the selfish gene strategy. By producing so many long books he basically prevented you from reading anything else. He essentially blocked out other authors because you were fully consumed by his series. I bailed

But what if you become a thorn in the side of the powers that be? it will be super easy for them to gather enough information to take you down.

What's the difference between a trombone player on the side of the road and a squirrel on the side of the road?

I think that 23 year-olds should not get a pass for being stupid because they are "only" 23 years-old. That's plenty old enough to have a Master's Degree. Sure, you may not be as smart as a 24 year-old but come on, you should have graduated from comics and picture books by then. I'm a dude and even I've read a book on

No Montreal or NYC bagel can compete with my sister's "weaponized" bagels. So dense it takes a chainsaw to cut them. Thrown at a human head from a reasonable distance it is guaranteed to result in a skull fracture.

The Holocaust Centres at the Park

1)Chessboxing WRONG!!!!

All they needed to do was up the voucher to $8000 and they would have had lots of volunteers. Would have been cheaper than what this cost them.

Bottom 10%? How does he figure that? Unless he's referring to BMI.

Solution: woman on top.

I have never watched any of the other Anne shows or read the books because I assumed they were treacly pap like little house on the prairie but recently finished reading the original book with my daughter and it was hilarious! She really is quite a character and we actually have to pause regularly to catch our breath

So could I do a similar thing but just keep the money? How could it be illegal if I'm the victim of a fictitious atrocity and need some help to get back on my feet again? (ironically, the bastards cut my feet off. Monsters!!!)

BEEF: "It's what's rotting in your colon."

I don't know about you but I've been bombarded by anti-trump messages for a while now plus I have heard what he is saying with my own ears so I don't need my parents to indoctrinate me to be anti-trump.

It looked like the Woodwards development on W. Hastings St. The spiral staircase was added for the shoot I believe. It looked pretty shaky.

As I started to read your comment I was distracted by wondering why you would want to finger your crack!

And the fuckknuckles.

"Let me stop right here and brake this down in plain terms."

That is the cleanest subway station i've ever seen!

But there are tonnes of people from the Caribbean in Toronto. There is even a big festival every year (Caribana) so even if you personally are not Jamaican you could be heavily influenced by Caribbean music and if you like the music, you should be allowed to play it. That being said I hate the song too, even more so