Nathan West

"Pink" is one of the worst songs ever recorded in the history of all time and all things. Terrible terrible song, and in the Aerosmith catalog that houses a vast number of terrible songs, "Pink" might just the terribliest.

When combined they will be known as John Mayo Depp

Everything's coming up Milhouse!

I tried listening to this show, but listening to people who don't know much about movies talk about movies (while laughing at each others jokes) isn't that entertaining. I started listening to the Sleepaway Camp episode, but had to turn it off after the guy was like "i've never heard of it," which I mean, c'mon,

Wes Bentley is a terrible actor but even he doesn't deserve the bad facial hair in the header photo. YEESH!

Single little girl circle pit!!

When I read the headline I thought it said "TOBE Hooper", not Tom Hooper! A Tobe Hooper sexual reassignment movie I would watch. This one, not so much.

It's not Christmas until I've heard A Patrick Swayze Christmas. "I'll have to smash your kneecaps if you bastards touch my car!"

Hey thanks! Gremlins is an all-timer in my book. It terrified me as a child but I've been watching it every year for Christmas for the last 10+ years. That scene with mom in the house with the Gremlins??! One of the best scenes in any movie ever in my opinion!

For the month of December every year I always watch Gremlins, MST3K Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, and the classic Rudolph and Frosty Rankin/Bass shows. Those are my traditions. I also try to mix other things in, like usually Nightmare Before Christmas, Die Hard, MST3K Santa Claus, Black Christmas, Silent Night

"The bastards took his legs!"

Nah, I'll probably skip it.

Great. A sequel nobody should want to a movie that was totally overrated.

Colin Jost is worse at anchoring Weekend Update than Seth Myers is at doing Late Night. Which is to say, he's pretty bad.

Pizza Dog or GTFO.

I realized I have seen one episode of Spaced; the zombie one, of course. It was good. I should probably watch the rest of 'em. I'll move it up on my list of shit-to-watch.

Definitely maybe..

Pegg as Scotty is one of the few bright spots in the new Trek movies

I was so MEH on it that I'm not sure if a rewatch would help. But maybe…

Nah, I'm good. Thanks tho