Nathan West

Deadfall is amazing. My ex-wife introduced me to it, which, along with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and these 3 sweet vintage green glass plates I still have, are the only things I got out of that marriage.

Had two or three of those records as a kid, all losers. I've been trying to forget that song for decades, so no internet, I will not be watching that video. GOOD DAY!

I was more referring to the release date of the album; for once Mothers Day is something to look forward to.


Directed and co-written by the guy who is directing the new Spider-Man movie for Marvel. Hmm. Interesting..?


Free balloons for the kids!

Haha, I went to college and spent 8 years living in Carbondale. Place is a shithole. Good people, but a shithole. Should make a nice place for a museum.

"Teen Wolf peen"

I've always loved that "Toes Across the Floor" video. It's great (good song too). It's directed by Jamie Thraves, same guy who did the classic Radiohead "Just" video.

I work at Powell's Books (one of the biggest bookstores in the world) here in Portland, OR and a couple months ago (maybe longer?) about 24 copies of Cosby: His Life and Times were taken off shelves and sent back to the warehouse (where I specifically work) leaving virtually no copies on our actual store shelves. I

About the "two guys in a car" Sonic commercials: I've always thought that those two guys are having a secret homosexual relationship (they both mention their wives in various commercials) and that after they are done having sex they go to Sonic to enjoy some tasty frozen treats, crack jokes and enjoy each other's

It can't be worse than Halloween: Resurrection can it?

Neat! I want to check out Jerry's VHS collection. I noticed in some episodes that he for sure has Arachnophobia and, weirdly, Child's Play 2 sitting on his shelf. Is Jerry a closeted horror fan? Or does he just like cheesy movies (like Plan 9 from Outer Space)??

The dishes are DONE, man.

Katherine Olson is a serious stretch. Margo has her issues, I'll agree, and yeah, Abigail is horrible, but all of these women are featured sparingly in minor roles (for real, when was the last time Peggy's mom was even onscreen?) and aren't lead, starring characters featured throughout the show's 7 seasons. I

Who do you think is worse? (lemme guess: your answer is Peggy) To me, Betty lacked the ability to be loving, caring, or understanding, and as a result she was at best crummy to her kids and at worst she was terrible.

I would argue that Betty DID get the ending she deserved. (WORST television mother EVER!)

Bland of Whoreses
I'm Ron and Whine