Nathan West

I've not seen Spaced. Maybe I should?

I have to admit that Shaun of the Dead is my big one hit wonder (*ducks thrown records*).
I love that film to death, it's a stone cold modern horror classic, but everything else Edgar Wright has done has not lived up to its greatness, not for me at least. Hot Fuzz left me cold, I thought Scott Pilgrim was ooookay, but

Totally agree about Silver Jews; American Water has got some jams!
"I am the trick, my mother played on the world, Seventeen doctors couldn't decide, whether I should be allowed in the game."

Eegahdammit! RIP, Kiel, ya big lug.

No ducklings were harmed in the making of this video.

Shit. ………uh….yeah, that one too.

The Spectre (Vol 3) by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake is one of my favorite, underrated comic series of all time. It's so good! Some of it hits really hard; it's both violent and a bit thought provoking. Still on the fence about this Gotham show, tho..