David Conrad


Kevin Kline seems a good choice for the part. I'd be interested to see how his portrayal of latter-day Flynn stacks up against Peter O'Toole's.

All the games I've played are good games, but I've been somewhat embarrassed to be playing games that others might wrongly think are bad.

Re: headline, I wouldn't expect it to. Given the track records of those two, I would expect it to equal "trying too, too hard." Times two.

To the list of great un-made movies I really wish had been made, at the top of which is Kubrick's Napoleon biopic (I have no interest in Spielberg's TV miniseries version), I can now add Richard Attenborough's Thomas Paine biopic. I hadn't known about it until I read this piece:

A Bridge Too Far is not a perfect film (thanks for nothing, Gene Hackman's terrible, terrible Polish accent), but every time I watch it I marvel at Attenborough's directing. It came out after its time, being of course a kind of partner to The Longest Day, but to see someone give the war the 1960s epic-movie-treatment

I think Cid's death (should you allow him to die) is even sadder and more memorable than Shadow's.

The Graduate is substantially overrated, as Ebert came to realize in his second review of it.

The Graduate is substantially overrated, as Ebert came to realize in his second review of it.

Same here. We were there a few months before the Green Dragon opened, but they were still selling the beers individually. I drank it but kept the bottle. :)

I was hoping this would be about SobeRing Thought being shipped overseas in quantity. That's the beer they actually made on-set for the LOTR movies when beer was required in a scene. It's non-alcoholic but very drinkable, and it can be bought at the Hobbiton set in Matamata, NZ.

Also, when I saw this headline I thought it was an instruction. That the band's name was simply "Jehu," and that they weren't necessarily reuniting but that I was to operate my motor vehicle as if they were.

There's a Tommy Iommi? Who knew.

I'd never heard the word Jehu before in my entire life until my mom played it against me in Words With Friends just moments ago. Apparently it's a word. Then I came here just now and saw this headline.

I was 30, right now, when that was explained to me, and was still 30 a second or two later, just seconds ago, when it was explained to me that it was Raffel Brothers instead.

*Slowly wheels a crate containing Pharrell's hat down a long hallway full of crates. The camera zooms out, revealing an enormous warehouse full of crates.*

The way he counts from 1 to 52 is somehow riveting.

Well, when work consists of reading stuff into a microphone, I think it's tolerable.

RIP the voice of Wacky Jacks! Amiright? Anyone?

Wrapped in a duality inside a biformity.