David Conrad

Your comment above about mischaracterizing things in order to seem wry is so apt, but your reliance here on "thanks for playing" is so lazy and douchy! What am I to make of you???

"One of those" people who call you on minimizing culture that attempts to engage with women, I assume you mean.

Obviously a dark-skinned or female doctor would be nice, but I'd settle for a return to an older or not-perpetually-shocked-looking one at this point.

You're probably not the only one, but you're probably in such a minority that it may be worth your while to consider whether you might be mistaken.

One problem is that a lot of satirical pieces will not be marked as such, and people will therefore assume more than ever that they're real.

The show is easy to hate, as the comments here reveal. But I have no problem admitting I loved it as a kid, and I still think the writing when the show was in its stride is a thing that television students should dissect and study to learn why it works so perfectly. For each character to have so distinct a voice, and

Every one of these sucked.

My goodness, the fish won.

Amazingly, I checked in just now and he's in a battle against a Rattata. I didn't see him enter the battle, and after 5 minutes it's still on the start-of-battle dialogue, but I'm on the edge of my seat.

Have you watched a pitch drop experiment?

Elaborate. It appears to be happening, so why should I believe you that it isn't?

Having watched this on and off for a while now, I'd like some proof that this thing got in, let alone won, a battle. But if it happens to get in another one, I want an instant alert about it.


I don't think either are very funny, but I'd take Stewart any day. Colbert's demeanor reminds me of a Christian camp counselor. I don't mean his shtick or the content, I just mean the vibe I get from him, even out of character.

I never thought I'd agree with Hannity about something, but I'm with him on Colbert being less funny that Stewart.

I think something about the fact that it was a cartoon creeped people out. But it's just hard to get into a mindset where that ever made any sense.

I was not allowed to watch The Simpsons at one point early on, but I was not-so-secretly watching Married with Children around the same time. Go figure.

You're bemoaning a NON-polarized opinion on the internet?

I want to lend my voice once again to the calls for full-length Voyager and Enterprise reviews. Just because the shows are bad (in Voyager's case, tepidly bad, and in Enterprise's case actively abhorrent) doesn't mean there isn't a need for real reviews.

They had to steal a warp drive and then IT DIDN'T COME BACK TO BITE THEM and we never heard from Casey Bigg's ship again and it was never mentioned again. Rotten storytelling from a rotten Trek series.