David Conrad

I find it odd that this article was written without calling Gallagher out on the implicit anti-immigration stance he's taking here.

I have a good reason. I wanted to check my Disqus notifications, and I didn't want to give a click to most of the other things. This one was, somehow, the least harmless.

Reagan was already a popular figure in media when he entered politics, though, so he was hardly starting from a level playing field. TV was there when he reinvented himself - it had been exploited to good effect by two presidents - but I don't think it played a significant role in helping him ride the Republican wave

It was a golden age of TV (and of advertising), though, unlike the 1980s. I don't think Reagan's popularity had much to do with TV.

JFK wasn't TV-ready? And before him, Eisenhower literally won an Emmy. We don't see as many clips of him these days, but at the time, he was a major and popular TV presence at the dawn of the medium.

Next time try the Espresso Milkshake from Summermoon on South First! Less iconic than Jo's, but absolutely mind-blowing.

I didn't say they shouldn't write about it.

Oh, maybe it's supposed to be this article's tangential connection to pop culture.

Is this a snarky dig at TV news in the middle of an otherwise ostensibly serious article, or… what?

"This is an insult to the sort of establishment journalists that rely on these in-person moments for ratings"

TIME has traditionally been a conservative outlet anyway. It probably wouldn't be much different from the Luce days.

I had it raw and cooked, I remember it as oily and not very flavorful.

I've eaten it in Japan even though I do have an emotional fondness for horses. It's really interesting that we've effectively outlawed it in the US despite being so meat-obsessed as a culture, and so unromantic about most sources of meat. On one hand I'd like us to be more consistent, but on the other hand I don't

I love Lithgow, but I'm probably more curious about Robin Williams.

This was garbage.

I will not carry a gun, Frank. I'll carry on, carry over, carry forward. I'll a carry a torch, carry a tune, Cary Grant, Cash and Carry, Carry Me Back to Old Virginia… I'll even "harry kary" if you'll show me how, but I will not carry a gun.

Definitely a false impression. He comes across as exceedingly kind.

"Only Nixon could cameo on Discovery."

This might be the only thing that would make the inclusion of Mudd acceptable.

"No." - Spock.