
A thought about the marriage and not to heist your thoughts, which I agree with…Andrei told them that it wouldn't be an official marriage until it was registered in, I believe he said Moscow, but otherwise the USSR…and that would have to be done by the first one to return home. What seems to be a somewhat common

In the photo above of Natalie, her reflection in the artwork on the wall is like a ghost of her in her past. What a tormented soul.

What was heartwrenching for me was the idea that there are/were so many Natalies/Annas after the war. Whether forced into what she did, or the capos of the camps…good God. How did these people emotionally survive if they physically survived? Rhetorical.

And he better not meet up with Gabriel…

I struggle with the idea of the four of them ending up in the USSR. Elizabeth, yes. Phillip, probably a no. And then the kids…how can they even begin to ask two teenagers to give up their life as they know it and take on one that even P&E know can't compare? It just seems so hard to imagine this and Paige and

Poor Oleg.

I was just thinking…last week when we met Father Andrei, he handed disguised Phillip a note. Can't recall what it was - doesn't matter, really. But I remember Phillip taking a rather long look at Andrei. I figured it was simply trying to get some kind of a read on the priest. But, since Andrei is Russian Orthodox,

Hey - horses are noble animals!

It's possible PT and wife are offered a legitimate job elsewhere but accidentily on purpose disappear at some point in the future so there's no contact with Paige in the future.

I found this part of the story interesting on many fronts, but more so since Paige knows who her parents 'really' are. Not speaking as a religious authority, I can see how someone could reconcile the work of the church and what P&E believe. Both doctrines say they want people everywhere to be comfortable, happy,

Yes, less attention, but as you say, because he's just not bringing much angst to P&E. However, in that inattention, he's ironically wanting to be a capitalist and now he has good reason to move in that direction, good grades, good references. P&E may have a hard time nipping the capitalist ideas in the bud…as they

It is pretty funny that in the Jennings' apparent lack of attention to Henry, he's eager to jump into a education path that should take him to be the epitome of capitalism. He even used the word, capitalize, last week when trying to convince P&E that he should go to this school.

I caught that, too. What really caught my eye was the red in the salad. I assumed it was a tomato, then a bell pepper, but it seems they had both. And Oleg's father took an extra second of holding the colorful food on the fork, before eating it.

And being married by another spy/agent, priest, no less. I would think he'd draw the line as to just how far he'd go for Mother Russia as compared to the others.

IIRC, it was explained in an early episode that they needed to ensure that they never accidentily said something in Russian at the wrong moment. So they used English with all communications.

I was a bit confused, too. At that time in the USSR, religion was not encouraged, even though there was a longing on the part of many to be able to practice their religion. A recruited priest seems so odd. Of course it would be a great cover in America, priest or fake priest, but probably watched by our

What that radio also tells is that the USSR citizens had little choice in the music that they could listen to. No way would Martha be sitting there listening to that music by choice, but by no other option.

Three major events about the USSR this season that have given P&E pause - the wheat research was to make a super food, not sabotage the food supply of the USSR; the tissue sample from William was not to build an antedote for the American weaponization of the bacterium, but to actually use, and apparently did so

LOL - I thought the same thing about that word!

I had wondered if there isn't something going on with Henry. We know little about him; his parents seem to know little about him…is there more to this kid that will be a big surprise to all?