
He and Tuan sure look similar when the camera first focuses on them.

I see. I guess I've missed the part that the bug in Mail Robot was removed.

I often use closed captioning with this show since it's so easy to miss something really important. When 'the girl' was talking, captioning identified her as Chris.

Let's just be friends…

I thought he was buzzing around last week.

Perhaps it's mentioned elsewhere, but I have to wonder if the search of Oleg's room has to do with Mail Robot catching a bit of discussion about Stan and Oleg and the tape and 'passing it on', however that's being done these days.

There was another line tonight that she said that caught my attention as a bit accented. Of course, I can't remember exactly what she said…maybe it was the one you mention. But yes, I had a brief moment of wondering if it was an editing error from a 'take' where Keri might have been fooling around with an accent.

Mischa ended up in Falls Church or very close by to be able to meet up with Gabriel. Clearly Mischa had some direction to come to the area and not just wander about America. If Philip's handler is in the Falls Church area, then one can make a leap to conclude that Philip is reasonably close by.

He does know Philip is a travel agent in VA. That opens up possibilities.

My thoughts, too. Stan is not going rogue, but he's pushing what I would assume to be boundaries. The US might be keeping an eye on him.

This latest news of Henry's math prowess does seem to be a bit of an 'Easter Egg' of possible computer related things to come for him. Oh no! What if his parents think his skills would be better used in the USSR? Nope…at least not Philip.

Well, Spuddie is right. It was Nureyev. Still a great skit!

Found this on wiki -

They think the wife, can't recall her name, may be a lead to all those potential CIA agents who could go to the USSR.

I have to wonder if the Centre could use Mischa to keep Philip 'in line' if Philip starts to become obviously wanting out of the 'game'…sort of an extortion.

And especialy with his dad's love affair with America. Teens, rebellion against parents, sometimes for reasons that seem to be only simple rebellion.

For any agricultural biologists out there…what would the secret experiment be with the wheat? My initial reaction was that they were looking at a wheat that would be immune to the effects of a particular insect, but that wouldn't raise concerns in KGB-land. Could an insect infect the wheat that would not affect its

I was anticipating that she's a KGB agent, and it's probable that Philip doesn't know since the spy business is typically compartmentalized. But, to a lesser degree, she could also be an FBI agent keeping an eye on Stan since he's been a little rogue in the past, and his past connection to Oleg may make others wonder

That was William.

Amber Waves = Mr Eckert's hair/wig!