
IIRC he said that he felt he needed to get far away from 'work' in order to contact the family.

I've wondered this for quite awhile. Chris may be too young to truly be an agent, but she could be being manipulated by someone…she is supposedly a legacy to attend the prep school, so her family would appear to definitely have a generation or two on US soil. Her family remains a mystery to viewers otherwise.

True - both stories had a little tie-up that was happy.

Misha still has to have some role to play in coming decisions. It makes no sense for him to roll in and roll out as he did, being an important person in Phillip's life. Could he be a factor in Phillip actually wanting to return to the USSR? He has been more inclined to find some way to stay here.

Thanks for pointing out that Easter egg!

It's probably mentioned below in another comment, but when Elizabeth said she couldn't quit, I think Philip realized that they're not going to end this spy work as a team. Whether it's one defection, a death, don't know, but I feel pretty sure he's given up on having a real family life at this point.

If he said that in August, then why was the scene in the USSR with Martha so obviously cold?

LOL - I'm just so caught up in trying to find links!

He could be too young, but he's an access to his parents.

She works at TASS.

It's also possible that with P&E talking about going home, the KGB wants to line up the family to be available to help with the transition.

I totally agree. But I can't see the USSR sending someone like that to America if not to 'capitalize' on that demeanor.

And I"m just not convinced Sophia isn't working Stan and Dennis.

Someone tossed out the idea awhile back that Chris is somehow working Henry…knowingly or not. So when Claudia told P&E not to discuss the possible move to Moscow with Henry, that he wasn't ready for it, I had to stop for a moment. Is Claudia compassionate? My gut should say yes, but I don't think so. Just made me

I think he looks like Philip.

Tuan - he's having way too much fun having Pasha beat up and now suggested into suicide. As the three of them were walking down the street towards Pasha's house, he was actually smiling a big sick smile…was it the fact he had everyone in turmoil? he was in control of his operation? he knew there was a stake-out car

They might have staged the house before they left. We just don't know. E's fingerprints are on the glass that she poured water in for Natalie. Her prints aren't on file in the US, but could be used to compare with should she at some point be arrested. Recall how meticulous she was when she went through Tuan's

The Stan/Henry connection, I think, will be the key to what ultimately happens.

^ Exactly! Absolutely no affection between Nazi Germany and the Soviets. That's why so many Germans ran to the Western Allies when it was clear the war was lost.

And War and Remembrance. I think that's the one were the character played by John Gielgud was headed into the 'showers' and stopped a moment to gaze at the moon. Nausea.