
What a contrast - the Jennings' modern, well appointed bedroom and the drab apartment of Mischa's grandfather - virtually the same size as the American bedroom.

At least we know where Claire got Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. Clearly it would be a phrase from the '40s and WWII, but I never could see how a Brit would be using it so often - an American, yes, Brit, no. Now we know it came from the American soldier and Claire is using it…maybe as an honor to the dead soldier.

There was one shot there of Rupert, Angus et al sitting around a fire. Sure looked like one could finally see just what was under, or not, a kilt! These guys are so much more lovable than the French…except Master Raymond.

Yes, Oleg did. However, it was an FBI field office, I think Louisville but not certain, that found the original, but long dead, William from whom the name was taken for the illegal William (was it Crandall or Cranston?)…Dylan! And then they found William/Dylan documents.

IIRC, they discovered that one of the employees at the bio plant (William) was carrying the identity of someone who had died years before at a very young age.

Don't know, except that this 'gift', IIRC, came quickly on the heels of Paige and her revelation about the work her parents do. I just don't think it came out of the goodness of the Centre's heart.

I also think Henry and Matthew will find something, like a bug, squirreled away in that computer gift from the Centre.

My take was that 'they' were trying to make him look as silly and unsophisticated as possible. It was horrible!

Fergus on the donkey ready to head off to war was incredibly cute…not the war part, though.

Oh yeah. Made a big impression so that we all remembered.

Thanks. I was wondering myself, but there is a lot of DIA that I simply didn't take in when I was reading it.

Trump -

And still in that blasted wig.

The suit that Jamie is wearing in the photo above with Claire in the cemetery is fabulous.

Yes, I know what her name is. I read your second comment (missed the first) totally in a different light than what you were actually meaning.

Squeamish - is that what you think a response to rape, especially rape of a child, makes people? Squeamish is what many would feel watching a snake slither across your path, or gardening and dealing with some of the insects you come across.

IIRC - in the book, the interlude with Claire was just to get the king roused and eager for his mistress.

Ha! I just noticed what none of us noticed - it was Queen Victoria!😄

The show was just replaying - there was Claire poisoning St Germain and while I tried to see that gorgeous face, the wig was just too overpowering.

Oh! I missed that Claire called her by her name.