
Or another gala event in a future episode.

The clothing that Jaime has on in this "Oklahoma Sooner' red dress photo is not the same as what he had on in this episode. The photo of Jaime above seems to be of him looking up the stairs as Claire first makes her entrance and it's not the same.

Could be, but historically we know it was shot down. I remember tapes of the conversation between the USSR pilot and his command being released at some point later on with pilot saying 'target destroyed'.

Or from Martha shooting Gabriel.

I thought the wallpaper looked as if some was missing, or quite dirty. I would have found it somewhat uncomfortable, regardless of sharing a meal with KGB agents.

I think Elizabeth making the Korean recipe that she got from Young-hee is a subtle nod to the friendship that E is unexpectedly developing with her. Last week a poster mentioned the KAL shoot-down occurred in 1983, and that it was entirely conceivable that Young-hee could be on board.

There is a great series that shows up on the Ovation Channel every now and then called The Art of Fashion. It goes way back to medieval time, and then forward, explaining how and why certain fashions came and went. I've really enjoyed it and watch it each time the series runs.

While it simply might be the angle, this dress seems to be made of velvet or some other more matte finished fabric.

I sort of felt the same way. But I did watch it a second time and tried to pay no attention to all the visual distractions…wall to wall people, opulent decorations, things not part of the Scotland story. Scotland was rural, rustic. The urban Paris with its busy-ness, over the top era costumes, etc, was a bit

I agree about the scene back home after the visit with the prince. Claire did seem to be a bit in professor mode, but I have a feeling it was more to showcase that housecoat, if that's what you would call it. It was pretty over the top, except to again have something to contrast between plain ol' Scotland and France.

I rewatched the episode last night. I think my first impression, which wasn't all that great, was due to the fact that in some scenes, there was just so much, well, scenery! Wall-to-wall people, or in the case of the king's toilette, nothing but faces in the scene…it was just busy. The dialogue was somewhat lost.


Claire knew a far amount of Frank's ancestry, including one Jack Randall, due to Frank's interest in history overall, as well as his family lineage. Frank and Rev Wakefield had a significant discussion about this in season 1, episode 1, which seems like eons ago. Claire was in the room during most, if not all of

That's interesting that you say that. I thought Jaime looked younger than last season, and that Claire looked older. And I agree…Jaime does seem to be the character of importance directly behind Claire and Frank, at the moment.

Women can have many, many children.

Itty, bitty spoiler -

I have enjoyed every episode of the series, until tonight. I even found myself thinking that if this had been the first I had seen of Outlander, I'd not watch more. Since I've read the books, I know what some of the new France characters should offer real interest with story development. Raymond, Alex, Mary, even

I saw 1744 and wondered just what the heck was going on, especially in light of the bizarre, confusing timeline of last week when Claire all of a sudden was in 1948, when we last saw her on her way to France.

Don't know if the editors caught the time issues, but the time lines in the books are all messed up, too. Diane Gabaldon, the author acknowledges this 'problem'. Just go with story and don't do math.

And you are right! No assumptions being trampled by cattle will necessarily kill you!