
She seems to be ignored quite frequently, or it's just the rather blah lines she has. I always thought she was written to be a bit of an airhead.

I really thought the Green plot was going to expose Mary as the accidental killer. She had politely confronted the jazz musician on behalf of 'the family and society' regarding Rose. I could see her confronting Green and threatening him, especially since she was in the area at the time with Anna. Pushing him -

I thought Mrs P may indeed have been a 'real' Mrs but perhaps a long time widow since Mrs H sent her in to talk about expectations or not of sex. I missed that Mrs P said something about not knowing about sex.

I remember in, whatever season, I think 5, he was working on Bunting's car that had broken down on some road. I thought at that time he looked well filled out, but also thought it might be camera angle. It's no big deal, actually, but he clearly was not the svelte love of Sybil anymore. Just an unexpected change.

Yes! Very funny…

Not a spoiler, but he seems to have gained a lot of weight. He was on The Late Show recently, and hysterically funny, too, and I thought he looked much heavier than the first years of DA.

Agree. But this is the only 'daddy play' those kids seem to get.

Oh good! It wouldn't have been the first time I totally missed something that everyone else 'got'!

Hmmm…dressage doesn't use crops, but whips…that's even more appealing to some 😉

Uh-oh. I thought she was quoting someone. I have to watch anything with a British accent in closed captioning otherwise it can truly sound like a 'foreign' language to me. I could swear she was quoting someone.


Seems that's a reason some men like to go to English riding events…

Thanks. I've only become interested in Sherlock through this BBC production. Then again, I enjoy watching Martin Freeman so that's what initially drew me.


I was somewhat put off by the purple klan costumes. I get that the story is about Britains, and that pointy-head mask is not just limited to the klan, but I would have thought that since the American audience is most likely the largest audience, a different mystery/secret society costume could have been used…even

When Claire called Romeo to the window after she read his 'book', she very quietly put the idea into his head that he's the dragon slayer and Bryan immediately fit the bill as the dragon…and Bryan just happened to be on his way to NY.

Thack could be alive but suffering some brain damage from lack of O2 before they were able to resuscitate him, or maybe has paralysis from the epidural, or has been committed somewhere…all of which allow him to return or not.

I'm not a Catholic, so am just commenting from what I 'think' a former nun might feel. Clearly, most anyone who commits to being a nun is doing so while embracing all that comes with it. Even though she became an abortionist, the antithesis of being a nun in the view of probably everyone, she still held dear so much

I'd upvote you more, if I could.

I always thought she was sly as a fox. She might have been concerned about what she would do if Barrow was arrested and indeed was truly stressed.