
After the epidural, they could have carried him out. Sure they'd have a hornet on their hands, but he wasn't walking anywhere anytime soon.

It wasn't all that long ago that you could hang up your shingle to be any specialty you wanted to be as long as you were a graduate of a medical or dental school. Specialty training, or 'self guided specialty training' existed but nothing to the degree and requirement that is the standard today.

So I take it that means you don't work in an operating room? ;-)

I believe radiation burns from all those x-rays, leading to melanoma according to podcast.

I was thinking the same thing. I've known a 'great' guy who embezzled thousands of dollars; another who shamelessly lied at the expense of others, including me, to get close to 'the top'; a friend was murdered; a serial murderer murdered a boy at my son's school…granted, four horrible instances over many years and

If Barrow lives that long. She might not have to do anything. There was definite evidence Barrow was already having problems with some hand movements as he played cards.

I was wondering if we'd see any revelation about Algie and any familial relationship to August, as in being his son. It's been speculated off and on since August clearly went to bat for Algie as if he were a son…Harvard, medical studies in France, etc.

No big deal. Just wasn't expecting to see a Slavic type name when all the hubbub has been about the Italians and Irish.

I got the same impression, and even thought for a brief moment we were going to find out there was no 'real' priest in the confessional.

And didn't she sign with a Russian name?

As the camera panned away from Algie and the patient…following the 'tell me about them'…dreams… Algie just looked so Freud when you looked at the scene.

Radiation burns from all those x-rays.

I thought Algie's silhouette was very evocative of Freud's as he sat there talking to the addiction patient. A good beginning to a new specialty.

Exactly. He stated he had hundreds or some ridiculous number of x-rays.. Back in the day, the film cassette was held, and often by the individual for horrendously long exposure times. It took one hour of exposure for his cranial view back when they first got the x-ray machine. So he has radiation burns, which makes

OMG! STANDING OVATION! If this is it, it reasonably settled everything, with a few sad, and happy surprises!

Well this sucks. I keep wanting to pop back in and read everyone's ideas or projections, but it's over! Damn…and The Knick finale tonight. Withdrawal is going to be tough.

Interesting interview…

I don't know why he took a swan dive. I would think most people in a similar horrible circumstance would try to shimmy down a wall, or lower oneself in some way, even hanging on a ledge before dropping. End result would probably be the same, but I would expect some attempt at self preservation. It just seemed odd,

Well rats! I don't remember Algie seeing Zinberg.

Fritz was a happy, guy next door kind of man, who did his work as he was expected to do…a real champ of a fellow whose death was a loss of innocence. The bomb was the capstone to the loss of mankind's innocence.