
It also would leave him the clear owner of Robertson assets..which might be in trouble but are still something to build on.

She even blamed him for trying to make her betray her vows…not so much that the attempted kiss was the problem, but that she's finding the idea of it, and more, appealing, imo.

The other funny part about Harry and Cleary selling their wares was that the men weren't totally convinced but the prostitutes Harry was selling to bought her out, and for 15 cents, while Cleary was selling for 10!

I thought that it looked like a dress rehearsal that just happened to be filmed and he decided to go with it.

His being late, or at least not up there on the fourth or fifth floor with the fire starting in what looked to be the main stairwell, cast some suspicion his way.

Thank God I wasn't drinking anything!😂

Sure hope you're right about 'next season'!

Yes, I referred to that several times.

Barrow might have inadvertently planted the fire idea in Henry's head when Barrow expressed his concerns about Warren - that they were moving too fast in construction that could lead to a huge calamity. At that moment I thought Barrow was just setting it up to say 'I told you so' when a calamity happened, and oh…

Harry is still being mean in such a spiteful way - now Cleary's a gorilla with nothing that could tempt her.

So Thack could have used Movantek.

Henry explained that if Cornelia did anything to bring the Robertson empire down as it teeters on its last legs, their stock would drop, Showalter would call his note, and anything associated with Robertson financially would be seriously damaged…and Showalter is very financially tied to Robertson at present. …

And obviously the revengeful reason for her to change plans to have the bomb blow up early and kill the scientists.

Unless prior to the relationship with Hogarth's daughter, Paul was actually in combat. But you don't take your time in capturing on the field combatants…it had to be the Brits.

That's right. Darrow wasn't the colonel in charge at the time. And the young man who killed Sid has been sent off to the Pacific, and actually was killed in 'an accident'.

Was Sid stealing 'new' secrets, or taking plans of his own work for his future use in the civilian world?

Wow! You're good! I was thinking about actual combat and couldn't figure it out.

Crimeny -

Charlie's speech used the word 'monster' over and over again, including saying his wife referred to him as a monster, and felt compelled to keep his son away from him. Since Abby had just told Oppenheimer that Jean had been murdered vs suicide, he connected Charlie being 'that' monster with Abby, who knew Jean was…

OK, just watched again. When Victor Green (a nod to Greenglass??) was being interrogated and the subject of Eleanor came up, he asked if they would leave her out of it in return for a name. Darrow goes in to question him, comes out a sweaty mess, and Green is dead.