
I agree with you completely. I am just afraid that 'they' might think two Cold War dramas would be too much. But current scheduling keeps them from competing with each other. We can always hope!

I thought Abby talked to Oppenheimer first, after she had been in contact with Jean's father, and then went to Darrow to 'threaten' him. That's when she heard the tape of Charlie suggesting Jean be done away with and when Charlie became a 'monster'. She decided their son needed to be far away from his monstrous

Frank is really annoying me. He looks like hell, even when he's 'cleaned up'. He's on a rant, and a reasonable one, about demonstrating the bomb where there is no population. But he thinks he can simply do what he wants, period, because 'they' are wrong, and he is right? How in the world can he think he can fund

We have Darrow after Frank as a saboteur of the pretest, and Paul telling Frank that he needs to talk to him about Jim. So will Darrow even give Frank two seconds to hear him out if he comes to him about Jim/Brooklyn or will Darrow be too focused on apprehending Frank that THE big danger to the test will be able to

So Nora is a college girl after all. Not far from Eleanor to Nora, either…could have been her nickname.

Description of next episode says 'reason for doctor's arrival is revealed'. Am assuming we learn about the quickly mentioned favor between Thack and senior Mr Robertson. Any thoughts as to what it might be?

Somewhere along the line, Dr Cotton was referred to as Hodgeman, the actor who plays him, and it's stuck, for some reason.

Both Effie and Junia are in places that could clean Barrow out. I do think the man is doomed…

It's OK! He might be as *competent* at being a surgeon as Dr Mays and can fill two jobs! lol

That is a new contractor…may even be acting as architect. He mentioned reviewing the blueprints and thought he could help economize. Barrow's not going to like that!

In today's environment, an inpatient's personal medications/history of use are scrutinized and controlled. Whether the medical community of 1901 understood this drug reaction, it seems not. And since the laudanum was sitting on the table in full view, concern about personal medications wasn't an issue either.

Exactly…but thought it far fetched since I tend to read too much into things.

Definitely his job came through connections of Effie's family. At his interview for The Club, he said his father was a fishmonger. Societal influence did not come from that, and Effie is the top of society, at least on the ladies' side.

Cotton said at dinner she was ready to start a family.

OMG! That is entirely possible! What does eugenicist Gallinger do about crazy Eleanor's baby…and didn't he and Dorothy talk about her not sharing Eleanor's genetic trait for instability? If anything, the fact they even brought it up could easily mean she does! Need to watch again tonight.

What disappointed me about Harry's reaction was that she said some awful things to Cleary who's been by her side the whole time. I doubt he's had a romantic interest in her, but was sort of caught up in the fun of the night out, and being with Pounce (did I get that right?) who was with his fun loving 'earthy'

Thack called for brandy and strychnine which was an old performance enhancing combo, according to a quick google. Since Abby had crashed, that's what Thack turned to, and Bertie ran off to get it. As he was dashing about in the medication room, I was hoping Bertie would think about the adrenaline, but no.

Sadly, there seems to always be parallels to horrifying events. Compassion and gut reactions don't always go hand-in-hand.

No. Why it was in her room wasn't explained, either. Iirc, she had some for after her surgery. Maybe she had simply started to take a small amount each day to fortify herself for her self esteem demons.

Yes. Wingo purposefully did this. He even mentioned to Barrow last episode, I think, that he knew all about Junia and Ping Wu, and the new apartment…and then he was 'fired'.