
And would Gallinger have tried this same scheme if the patient were white, waiting for the hernia repair by the man who developed the technique?

Definitely truth to that. Could indeed be the reason.

Truly no expert on the golden lotus…but Ping Wu was having sex with a bare chested woman, and Lucy was there with a Victorian, high neck blouse on.

The scene was Wu having sex with someone, and Lucy right there with her foot available.

And Genevieve is Jewish, which makes for some 'issues' in some circles.

I don't see how we can think otherwise about father/daughter, considering he called her his little girl, and the other reference to the rest of the family.

Do we know Gallinger's past, as in where he's from, medical school, social standing of his family? I am assuming he's got societal standing, and that might be why he actually has his job at the Knick. He's a surgeon, yes, but his position in society is making him more than what he is. Rambling.

Oh! Good thought. She was doing some fast writing…there simply has to be something that will point to Gallinger.

I watched again last night. He referred to Nora as his little girl, and something about 'they' having the names of all their family.

He did say 'son', and it caught my attention, too. He didn't say 'my son', so I figured it was a tantalizing teaser as to just what is the real relationship. Calling a non-relation younger man 'son', isn't unusual, especially in a difficult situation.

Good point about the study. However, the one with Bertie did quietly say 'with you' as she started to get to work. Doubt Bertie noticed!

With a razor blade implanted in it.

Your point is why many of us think that Algie is related (son) to Mr Robertson.

Well, there goes that idea about exposing Gallinger. It's got to happen. Maybe when they do drug count, or whatever accounting for meds that they did back then, someone will notice a vial missing or suspiciously not full.

Crazy idea about the turpentine for 'gut' problems, as Thack explains it to Bertie - I keep seeing a TV commercial for Movantik, to treat opioid constipation. Turp is apparently used for constipation by some. Opioids? That would be Thack!

Oh! I didn't catch that this surgery was being filmed, too. Makes sense since it's Algie's better hernia repair technique.

He talks, acts and even looks like the stereotypical Nazi. Thirty years to go…he'd probably still be around.

Bullshit, like I'll live in this big apartment WITH you!

Yes. Gallinger had a small, knowing smile when he heard Thack say he named it the Gallinger Knot.

Bertie's little Bertie…