
My impression of Junia is that she's simply a player in her life as a prostitute. Several episodes ago she came into the 'waiting room' of the brothel and apologized for being late to a judge waiting for her, saying she was catching up on her studies. Oh please. Then Barrow barges in to the front of the line take

Algie and Opal were obviously welcomed at the ball in the midst of all those contributors to the new Knick funds. If the Edwards were there as part of high society, at THE event of the year, why is Algie an issue as staff member? Opening the doors to the Negro population as patients - well, I can see that not easily

Not really answering your question, but FIL was really angry. The 'you should be pregnant' implied that she's too busy doing nefarious things and no time with hubby to 'get' pregnant.

Hehe - no idea! Was just surprised that the golden lotus wasn't as bizarre as implied…still bizarre, though.

That may have been part of the reason she told Lucy to watch out regarding her brother. She was quite nervous. I was distracted by her arm movements - they seemed really exaggerated or quite unnatural, like 'listen to me you foolish girl!'

Including the dregs of empty coke bottles, since cocaine was a ingredient.

He was trying to get high off of others when there was that shortage.

That's what I thought since he had two vials there. But it seemed as if there were several things being tracked on his graph - more than the two drugs…and were there different colors of ink as well? The uppermost line had peaked and was dropping rather quickly. Hmmm…

Might not want to go past $10 on that one!

Given Thack's ingenuity, anything is possible. But when the projectionist said that someone was making jewelry out of celluloid, I could see it becoming the form to sew a skin flap over.

This episode was so quiet but wow, lots of important stuff.

The golden lotus - meh.

The whole scenario is sinking fast. And should FIL sexually approach Cornelia now, she could cause the immediate collapse of what remains of the Robertson empire.

I think it was the knot he used.

Yep. That was our girl…she's setting herself up for a big, ugly fall somewhere along the way.

Congrats to the person last week who parsed out what the Robertsons are doing with the discovered in transit ill immigrants - hiding them in second class and then sneaking them in due to the less stringent medical exams for first and second class. But, those physicians have to be looking the other way to not notice

2.5 hours more and we get to see the ball, and any mayhem that might ensue!

It's definitely a racist play, perhaps unintentional, but undoubtedly standard for the times…I think it was written in late 1800s, The names of the Mikado characters sure seem to be what an unenlightened Englishman of the late 19th century might think of as typical Japanese names and words.

That's what I thought…also something about our names are 'there' which could mean simply the comrade relationship, but whichever, they have a relationship that seems to be of some fairly long standing.

Nora's handler - did I miss something or is he her father? I don't have recording capabilities, and admit I was paying more attention to the horses, but I thought I caught a familial connection. Maybe it was only the comrade connection.