
I enjoyed this episode. Just about all main characters did something or had something happen to them that sets their personal stories a little more forward…that we can begin to see what's in store for them.

The actor who played Dunlavey is now playing another sort of 'iffy' character on How To Get Away With Murder.

Lucy did go to visit Harry when she was still in jail, and talked about needing more meaning to her life. Prior to this, I don't recall the two doing much together, if at all. So, there is some sort of a bond between the two starting to develop.

Especially with the H bomb and the Cold War just around the corner.

Good point!

Dunlavey was the one who took Liza to the Lamy train station. Have to wonder if that hasn't something to do with it - I assume that if it were known as fact, he'd be in the brig. Maybe the army tried to put two and two together that he 'might' have helped with Liza's 'escape' since he has the relationship with

There were a lot of land grant families in NM.

Fritz Fedowitz or Fedowicz…

Especially when it seemed on the surface to be a way of getting to Frank.

OK, that makes sense about Abby. I had suggested last week that the visit to the gyn was due to symptoms of the beginning of a miscarriage.

I'm still trying to figure out Abby's 'pregnancy'. She apparently has/ had concerns about the tech work affecting the health of a fetus, but Liza assured her there was no indication of harm. Then we see her putting things in her storage shed, and sighing at the sight of the old baby things she had in there. Later

It would be interesting if Thack were able to do additional surgery to her nose, now that she's got tissue to work with. That might be way too much into the weeds of that story arc, though.

I like your take on the development of women in medicine, with the contrast between a 'traditional' nurse of the late 19th century and one in the early 20th century. I do hope Lucy takes on additional studies, but somehow I think her attending medical school might be too much of a plot twist in a story with so many

The first time I saw her and she was referred to as Mrs Barrow, I thought she was his mother! And then her earrings were given to Junia, if that's the one he was seeing for the Busy Flea episode and I realized she was his wife.

Mays was a bit of comic relief in comparison to the darkness and/or drama of most of the others. He liked the ladies, liked to talk about his high society, including during surgery with Bertie, liked carousing with the boys at the club, wasn't close to being competent, but was the chosen new 'surgeon' by Barrow. Me

It does make you want to throw something at the TV, though.

You know, people see into scenes and story arcs what is unique to their perspective on what's going on. I totally missed that he was a drunk and that he beard was covered in booze and his breath was alcohol fumes.

I've posted several times and only this one has appeared. Does Disqus freeze up on occasion?

The ether fire was much more than what we saw. A later scene showed much of the op theater being repainted in white, to cover up the char on the walls. Some of the not used anymore anesthetic gases were seriously dangerous.

The ether fire was much more than just Mays getting burned. Heat/fire is a serious danger with several of the gas anesthetics. A later scene showed the op theater being repainted with white paint over char all along the walls.