
We don't seem to know that yet…

Especially after being challenged by Opal…but little does Robertson know about Barrow's skimming of the Knick's building funds, and thus Robertson's donations.

The ophthalmologist. I think the doc during the riots was younger…but it's been a year since that episode aired.

My impression was that when Barrow was told that a dead man, Mayes, couldn't sponsor a live one, Robertson just stood there, silent, not stepping forward. Then again, we don't know what came after that apparent 'ignore'.

Pretty much.

I think it was last week that someone mentioned that Nobel Prizes may be presented for a discovery many years after the fact. Sort of a similar principle with more mundane discoveries - the Austrian may have been the one that did research, published/presented his findings in an accepted journal or medical

Yep - cyclopropane was another extraordinarily dangerous anesthetic gas that was used until not so long ago. Scary stuff.

Algie seems to really be enjoying Opal's company!

Or someone should have told him not to put heat (cautery) near ether that was coming through the trachea he was operating on! But then, he was reading along as he went about whatever procedure he was doing.

I thought the lighting made those grand houses look dark and foreboding, in spite of their grandeur. I've never liked Victorian style of design to begin with. I'd be very uncomfortable in such a place.

If I'm reading the reviewer's thoughts about the boat correctly, I believe this is the first we've seen Abby on the boat. Previously, the young woman that kept appearing was the one Thack killed with his drugged out psychosis and foolish assumption about what was the difference between blood types. This time, Thack

Overlord has just started - 6 Jun 44. They have a lot of time, plus the story could go beyond into events leading up to the USSR exploding their bomb, which sent the US into a tizzy, and the escalation of the Cold War. Lots of potential for a long story.

That's what I think. Apparently the scene with the three coming through the front door was the return from the dentist's. Gallinger referred to it as a 'tough' day. No way did she have any surgical procedure or she would have been bruised and sore. It was the denture fitting.

The Soviets being allies is more along the lines of - an enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Thanks - I've listened several times, and it sure sounds like Martha!

Don't know if she had the abortion. But, something is wrong with some kind of bleeding that took her in for a gyn appointment. Doc didn't say anything about the baby, but I'm wondering if the symptoms she's having is evidence of infection after the abortion that she's hiding from Charlie. There would be no reason

Wonder if Jean left in her note that Kitty called her, even though it was Abby.

Totally agree about the confusion of the dates. It made no sense for Liza to visit Einstein a year later.

I'm surprised the medical advisor didn't catch it, but Bertie sat there having an entire conversation with Guggenhiem in the lab while he, Bertie, had his stethoscope in his ears. I'm sure there may be minor differences from today's to those of 1901, but you can't hear much of anything when you have the earpieces in

He's skimming. If a contractor sells, say $1000 worth of wood to the new Knick, $200 of it goes to Barrow in payment for the contract for the wood…just like getting $10 back of the $45 of Knick funds for Cleary's ambulance service.