
Oh! Great thought. Not certain you're correct but it makes sense. They did spend what I thought was an odd amount of camera time on the 'upper class', well dressed ladies in the common room.

It's Abby who has almost end stage syphilis.

That's possible. At first he would be rightfully repulsed, but then finally realize that there is something just not right with Eleanor and maybe is truly 'defective'. Since there was no real way to address her mental illness at the time, he might indeed begin to see eugenics as having a place in 'his' high society.

I think she stated her concerns about looking forward to being a spinster, and that another sister, Ethel, had her engagement broken off.

Wife! Not girlfriend!

===Before calling blacks the most dangerous of all, Drexler begins by disparaging nationalities and ethnicities — "Italians, Slavs" — then moves on to the "dimwitted, infirmed, and defective."===

Compared to the previous episode, yep. Hard to beat the almost eye surgery!

Her sister is definitely pushing in that direction. Maybe she'll try to take Eleanor's place. Gallinger truly is conflicted about so many things.

I think Cornelia may be in for some tough times with Phillip. After sex, he said something like - that wasn't so bad, was it…a Victorian idea that 'good' women didn't like sex…that it was only for procreation. He immediately asked if she thought she was pregnant.

Did we know much about, if at all, her religiousness in S1? If I came from an environment where I'd be beat by dad for 'sins', I'd try to forget it.

Or Lucy's dad. All we know is that he goes by AD.

Is that what he is? I thought asshole was an all encompassing description.

dAD Elkins is such a fine example of Christian forgiveness and tolerance. It seems dAD has those attributes for anyone except someone who might reflect badly on his glorious self.

The actor who plays Speight was on The Blacklist tonight.

I thought Mexico made sense, too, since it's just a few hours away from Los Alamos. Can't recall where the aunt lived, but if she was back east, then Canada would make more sense if one felt they needed to run.

The Knick has an historian/ophthalmologist, Dr Stanley Burns, as the medical advisor. He really makes things 'real'. They also start each episode with a little tidbit of information about medicine in 1900. Some day they'll think today's practice of medicine is brutish, but jeez, sure glad I'm living now and not then!

Just close your eyes for the blood and guts. Otherwise it's a very good show. Might want to binge watch season 1 since so much of the goings-on now really relies on the character development from the first year.

I agree - I obviously didn't explain my second paragraph as fully as I should have.

His bit of beard can be allowed in today's military with pseudofolliculitis barbae but it's allowed with medical recommendation, not just a 'I have a rash so I didn't shave' excuse to the commander, of all people. But the commander noticed it and blew it off, calling him Paul on the road to somewhere.

Dunlavey took Liza to the Lamy train station, with her being hidden in the back of the Jeep. From there she managed to get to Glen, who took her to Einstein. Wow.