
I had to let this episode sink in and percolate for awhile. It sure wasn't what I expected, but then, I don't really know what I expected. It was disturbing in that it mildly depicted the mind games that are used today. Guess I always thought the sophistication of 'mind games' in the spy/spycraft domain didn't get

Hi -

OK…as long as I get the right channel so I can watch Sean Harris!

Eggs often symbolize rebirth, spring, Easter, etc, etc. This usually connotes something good. If the eggs, assuming they actually have a meaning in this episode, which I can't help but think they do, then the two in the bowl on the boat could suggest a new beginning for Thack…assuming it to be good. A new beginning

I might be the only person on the planet who didn't know this, but Eve Hewson is the daughter of Bono of U2.

I actually first thought that was the nose repair he was working on at the beginning of the episode.

I find his very British accent a little amusing since he truly seems to be quite American in this show. His natural accent just seems so wrong!

I guess there's two ways to view incest - where you know it's incest, as in HBO's The Borgias between Lucrecia and Cesare, and here, where you probably would have no reason to suspect it.

Thank you!

Oh! Did I miss that little tidbit of info? If I didn't, your thought makes perfect sense since why would a rich white man at that time have such interest in the child of his black cook and arrange for him to attend Harvard and then on to Europe for additional study? Hmmm…

Ah, the self-righteous…they see the evil in others but not themselves.

Yep - he wanted to beat that doc from Chicago who was very serious about collaborating in discovering the differences in blood types…but his drug fueled obsession carried him far away from rational thought.

Thack did it under the influence AND with flawed hypothesis as to blood types and transfusion compatibility.

By 1945, Jamie clearly is dead. He's not a time traveler so as Frank speculated, he saw a ghost of 'a Highlander'. Since a ghost can apparently wander as it pleases, and carries with it the experiences of its life, the long dead Ghost of Jamie is able to watch his Claire as she lives her life BEFORE her accidental

I had the same issues with the first two books, but so far find the third not so bad. I found the drama, terror and sense of loss, or impending loss to be hard to shake off when I wasn't reading. It compounded some personal issues, that fortunately weren't similar to Claire's and Jamie's, but still kept a cloud over

Considering it had the potential to produce snickering (among some people). it was a tastefully filmed moment of learning for Claire, and thus probably part of the audience who might also have learned something from it as well.

I ride almost every day. While I didn't ride after havibg a baby, it may not be so impossible. Different saddles allow or encourage the rider to sit differently…including weight more on the upper thighs than seat bones. If the horse is trotting or cantering, it's not all that diffucult to stand in the

Ha! Just sitting on the couch! The first breast, left, looked 'real', but the second, right, clearly showed a difference. Angle of camera was different for right as well.

As an herbivore, a grown horse would likely not have any interest in milk, although one of mine likes hot dogs with ketchup.

I was wondering as well…you can see a bit of a line where the prosthetic and real breast tissue meet.