Spoiled Ants

If you grew up in the 80's they are clearly just simplified archetypes of certain roles and bring nothing new to the table. And yes, I think all the characters are one-note, with the exception of chief Hopper maybe.

What about the age of the kids? I mean, we all know how quickly cute little Bran from Game of Thrones turned into Paulie Shore. That's gonna be a serious problem if they do multiple seasons.

Ironic how she turned out like her father, costume included - but minus the wits.
Tyrion once said, the only redeeming quality was her love for her children. …Well, I guess she still has her lovely cheekbones.

She grabbed a couple of faces during the summer sale in Braavos, as well as a voice decoder (batteries not included).

I wish the show would have never shown her training. I would be cool with it, if they kept us in the dark about that. Even if we might have to suffer more Sandsnake nonsense in return.

For one, she still has plenty of that Wildfire in her basement, which pretty much annihilated Stannis whole fleet in s02, if nothing else she can go out with a bang.

I'm hoping they were planting seeds with this and will adress more conflicts of interest in the next season (when we hopefully see more of the Brotherhood without Banners too).

What about all the people who were making bets that Joffrey's head is underneath the Mountain's helmet.
Where are your gods now?

He has not proven to be The White Wolf yet, I think the North should be more reasonable and call him Snow White for now.

The Hound used his 'back from the dead'-card like Jon did to get out of the 'Brotherhood that won't get laid'.

Well, Shiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeet

Not even a pinky swear to seal the deal, you still know nothing Jon Snow..

He's the OJ of the show, everybody loves him nonetheless.

Fair enough about the fan theories, but still the show tends to go too often to the "blow everything up"-well in order to reshuffle the power balance.

His real-talk reminded me a bit of his Ladder speech, decorated with an 'opening-position'. But yeah, I liked it too that Sansa maintained her cool here and didn't look like she was being played. Although some of his words did seem to come through, judging by their last looks during Jon's celebration.

Dreams do come true when you're Tommy Carcetti.

Come on, everybody was calling that weeks ago, so yeah, the show used to be smarter than that.
And no, I don't want any 'answers', but right now the show is resolving it's conflicts like a Marvel movie: punching your way to the end credits or intended outcome.
Remember what Jaimie did a few episodes ago, when he took

Ok, I liked this season better than the previous, but it's only because there was no dragging 'Dorne'-subplot, although Arya's Karate Kid training came really close to be this season's Dorne.
The return of The Hound was nice, Cercei going full Palpatine as well. I expected her to die this season and I'm glad that she

I think the problem is 'how' they ended said conflicts:
"slavery in a third-world country", well they adressed problems with the fighting pits, but in the end the dragons blew everything up = problem solved.
"Life in a cult" & "seperation of church and state", interesting plot, but fortunately got blown up by

Seriously, I don't mind wheel spinning as long as it's entertaining.
The Syrio, Tywin and Hound adventures™ were fun, the Jacqen's Wet Hot Braavosian Summer…not so much.