Spoiled Ants

You might be right, she collected enough EXP points when she blew up the sept.

Jeezus, is he saying that line while eating popcorn?

I think Cooper was supposed to get released from the Black Lodge on the spot Hawk was waiting at. But Bob tricked Coop by creating this Dougie vessel to trap him and probably hired those assassins as well, to get rid of him as soon as he 'arrives'.

The thing is: it makes him as much an asshole as Axe, and that's my little gripe with this show. It's entertaining here and there, but you only have sociopaths to root for.

"Axe had her fooled about the "wanting to change" tearjerker, which we later saw was a complete farce as he faced off with Chuck."

If they end up in prison, I want a Billions worthy showdown, with Axe and Chuck doing a shankfight in front of betting Prisoners.

I really enjoyed the last half of this season, but there were a couple of nitpicks.

Great episode, although I found the flashback reveals a little weak. The whole setup felt a bit staged (Boyd working as janitor, Wendy investing in the stock is such an obvious setup from the writers).
But overall a very enjoyable episode.

Jesus Christ, I read suicide notes that where more coherently written than your bs.

I wish this season would have picked up the pace faster. Now we're finally getting somewhere and there are only three episodes left.
The movie references have really been obnoxious throughout the whole season. Not even the talented cast could bring those stilted lines to life.
As someone who was never impressed with

Yeah, it seems very clear that this is what he's doing, especially after his bull shark speech, which could've come straight out of National Geographic.
But what I don't get is: why would he use people that are dear to him (his father and his lawyer friend)as expendable pawns to lure Axe out. It's quite clear that

Best episode of this season so far. And it had exactly the right mix from what I expect of a Billions episode: double-cheese scenes like Axe's Glengarry Glen Ross impression; some cringey scenes with Brian dropping his Bushido knowledge like reading from a manual and some weightier scenes with Wendy trying to be a

It really does feel underwhelming that everything is going back to 'normal'. We're 6 episodes in, and the story is still going 2 steps forward and 1 step back.
I'm glad they got rid of Dake, I can only handle so much schlock.

Three episodes in and this doesn't look good. I miss the big gestures and the glee of the previous season. So far the tone is very depressing, everybody seems unhappy, there's no one to root for and no battle to look forward to.
I hope there will be more interesting dynamics in the upcoming episodes.

Scott Buck is running this show? The guy who's responsible for dumbing down the last seasons of Dexter?
Hahaha, good luck everyone. I'm not gonna go on this ride. And since it's graded C+ here in AV Club it's probably gonna be closer to a "F-" in my book.

I wish Robert De Niro would stop trying to be funny. He tried, by God he tried more than Adam Sandler at this point. But comedy isn't something that you can pick up by method acting (and he hasn't been at the top of his game for the last 20 years). It's a skill that has to be honed for years: timing, observing,

I agree with the review it's a very smartly written show, but it's missing heart and empathy to the point where I was more observing the show than experiencing it.
Certain reveals would have worked much better if there was more emotional weight attached to them .

Seriously? I hope they didn't 'digitally enhance' the look of it like they did on The Thing prequel. Which also made everything look fake although it was practical all the way.

-Nancy getting back with her douche boyfriend was just so the writers can milk more of that bizarre love triangle for next season.

Yeah, I guess this show wasn't my cup of tea. Reminded me a lot of Stephen King's Dreamcatcher and funny enough suffered from the same problems. It too had a lot of flashbacks that disturbed the flow of the narrative. With kids befriending a supernatural kid and an unconvincing villain with cotton candy hair.
To be