Spoiled Ants

This ain't The League of Shadows, they're a bit more chilled down in Braavos.

I'm not sure if the rumors really refer to Tyrion, since Cersei should be more busy picking up the pieces. Especially since her priorities shifted from 'gaining back power over King's Landing' to 'How do I survive the next week?'. If she's half as smart as she thinks she is, she should concentrate her limited

The question is not 'What did she learn at camp Jacquen?' it's more like 'Was it interesting?'. Personally I'd prefer if they had just shown her closing ceremony and instead spent more time with The Hound chopping wood.

Well, I never understood how he still kept a Lannister as a Kingsguard all while Tywin's army turned against him. Isn’t it standard procedure to imprison the son of your enemy as a bargain chip?
OK, he was the Mad King, but he surely had advisors.

But only if he actually knows that he's a bastard. I can imagine that his mother shielded him all this years from these 'lies'.

The Torture Hobbit.

Somehow I just thought about The Godfather and drifted off.

-One of the reasons I found the storyline with the house of the Many-Faced-God so uncompelling, is that the organization always seemed awfully under-staffed, especially now that the two unpaid trainees are gone.
At least we made it through, and it only took us 2 seasons, I think we got off easy. Meanwhile Gendry (the

I think I spotted a Maester behind a rock during her stay at the actress' flat.

It reminded me on Terminator 2, the Waif had the exact run and stare during the chase, which made the whole thing sillier the longer it kept going.

I think that the show got a little bit slower around season 4. Or let's say, less interesting stuff started to happen there. While season 4 kicked off strong and confident with Joffreys merry wedding, they crammed the consequences (and most interesting part) - Tyrions trial into the last episodes.
Cercei had literally

I hope Arya dumps Raz-Al-Gul pretty soon, and blows up his house on the way out.

I was kinda expecting to see Caitlin, but then I realized it wouldn't make any sense (other than shock value), since she didn't die anyway near the WW.

That's weird for a show that pretty much spells everything out for us, including the the very last lines of Hodor, which were completely unnecessary.

And then he became 'the Russian' of GoT.

Ok, like last year this season is starting to go downhill again. And it's almost for the same reasons as well: they keep introducing too many players or "real" villains, and too late into the game. The Elektra plot is way too predictable (should I order the coffin now?) and not really compelling, compared to the

Plotwise it's a huge step, but the way it was presented was very 'business as usual' and underwhelming.

I'm still waiting for the day the showrunners will pull a Jaimie on Littlefinger
By the end of the series everyone will wear 'Vote Littlefinger' buttons.

The Frankenstein plot is already in use for the SS Witcher & The Mountain at King's Landing.

Food/hunger has always been a big part of the show, that this episode featured Fast Food kind of fits, when I think about the massive scene-chewery of the closing sequence.