Spoiled Ants

Loved it. I know that this show ain't no Mad Men but damn is it entertaining in a schlocky way. And honestly those two shows shouldn't be compared at all, since Billions clearly isn't even trying to go for the themes, sensibility or the tone of MM. The hyper-scene chewery of Lewis and Giamatti is proof of that, and it

This episode felt like it had quite a lot of movie references. "It's Chinatown, Jake.."

For me this was the worst series I've watched since, I dunno, probably since Dexter I suppose.
Although to be fair it wasn't as bad as Dexter, this series had decent visuals, some interesting side characters and a promising premise, but that's about it.

She was also the secretary for Shang Tsung for I dunno one week? Maybe her superpower is 'becoming soulmates' with everyone around her without doing or saying anything that resembles human interaction.

And the Oscar for BESTiality goes to..

It's been a while since I watched it, and it didn't take long until the mediocre jokes took over the 'real issues'-section.
Maybe I should give it another try one of these days.

Bravo, you passed the test.
We have to do those now to seperate the smart shoppers while sterilizing the other ones.

An OK pilot.
Galifiniakis serves us his usual personalities. I get a strong Eastbound & Down vibe from this, especially the relationships between the characters (ex-wife, mother, naive sidekick).
This kind of premise can sustain one season maybe, but they have to come up with a little bit more in the future.
Maybe I'm

Thanks for pointing that out, it's a shame, but I will stay clear from the comments section for this one.

I think Gilly got laid. Sam didn't do anything, lay there like a carpet.

I could've sworn the book after "A dream of Spring" was titled "Wake up Dead!!".

Maybe we're in 'The Empire Strikes Back' stage of the story.

A month before I was thinking what would happen if Jon is out of the picture, since everybody was so assured that he and Dany will be part of the 'rescue sqad' during the invasion of the Whitewalkers.
I remember the Walkers to be much more threating in the beginning of S01, when regular humans had to face them (before

He was definitely one of the highlights in 'Pick of Destiny' and 'Anchorman'.

-Foggy obviously wanted more than friendship since ep1, but the show kept treading water like a sitcom, which is fine if it would be entertaining at least. But it was just a mediocre rom-com fluff with quirky dialogue we know from sugary Indie-movies.

I don't wanna sound bleak, but he probably ended up in Jonestown.

"One never knows how loyalty is born"

Looked to me, what I see every year in stores during summer/winter sales.

In times of Guantanamo, 24, SAW or Hostel, I guess torture has lost it's edge in pop-culture.
Shooting a dog on the other hand….

Soprano's the Russian = Benjen