Spoiled Ants

I think that is a worse outcome than death for Narcisse: to be trapped in a master and servant relationship. I didn't know that my smile would last only mere seconds.

ep grade: A-
season grade: B+

He's the embodiment of Fool's Luck.

I appreciated the callbacks to Jimmy this epsiode invoked (apart from the obvious ones), when I saw Eli and Nucky emerging drenched from the rain, I had the definitive feeling that this isn't going to end well with Eli.

Is Chicago the go-to exile for corrupt ex-cops?

Well now you know how the figs feel.

At least Richard wasn't betrayed. Even if he would've survived, I didn't really want to watch the next season with Chalky trying to catch Richard and killing him, there are bigger stories to be told.

suicide was my first guess when I saw him sitting quietly on the train. But it's not quiet as poetic as the beach setting, ask Takeshi Kitano.

I don't know if I'm reading too much into it.
But I remember Richard in the 2nd episode when he refused to shoot the dog saying something along the lines 'I don't want any part of it anymore' and trying to break out. In the end it's Nucky who's pulling Richard and other people into his gravity field like Eli, Eli's

I had a similar experience, right after he dropped that vase and you saw Knox' feet wincing up, I heard that sad trombone sound.

I know an episode's gonna be visual breathtaking when I read in the intro credits Tim Van Patten.

I fear that we will see a lot less of Chalky, like in Season 3. I hope not though.

Sympathy only gets you so far in the corrupted world of BoardwalkEmpire.

'You Come At the King, You Best Not Miss'

I actually really enjoyed the slow pace much more than in the last years. This season reminded me somehow of MadMen in the way the plot progresses very very slowly, but I just enjoy spending time with the characters that every hour passes like a rush.

I was missing that side of hers too.
I think showing her on the way to amendment was what made a whole lot of people suspicious for a tragic outcome, especially with the sudden appearance of prince-charming. It is a drama series after all.

Here I was hoping that he didn't turn out to be a detective, rather a crook who wanted to encourage Gillian to sell the house for a cheap price & take-off with her money.
The whole effort of this operation didn't look justifiable for a regular detective. If Gillian would've been an important political figure, maybe.

I noticed that too, it was a nice composition. But it called too much attention to itself. 
They used the exact framing later at Eddie's interrogation too.

Don't worry Dexter will be back. What do producers do when they want to continue to milk their franchise even if the main actors are not willing to come back?
Right, a prequel, with younger actors, same premise.
So they gonna pull off either sth like 'Dexter: very very early cuts' or  'Rudy the Ice Cream Seller'.

It was very clear, since he gets to insult Rothstein und Lansky 3 or 4 times over the course of the game. I wish the show would've been a bit more subtle about it. The long hard look that Lansky gives the guy after he made the deal with Nucky was a strong enough hint.