Spoiled Ants

That was a cool stunt. I found it strange though that the passing kids didn't bother to look when a man is thrown out of a window.
Must be the 'cool guys don't look at explosions' thing for kids.

1. Massive investigation would mean a dramatic conflict =>something the writers are allergic to. Hurricane Rita took care of that, just like in SuperMarioBros3 when you play that flute.
2. I was also wondering that he didn't notice the authorities to have backup, but hey, maybe he was a lonely guy and this was the

please, promise us you never become a screenwriter.

That most of them think this is the best season and they think that Saxon the "brain thief" was a great villain makes sense. I can see a connection here.

"Watch your mouth lady! I didn't raise both of ya to become hillbillies."

Didn't you and Sara Colleton wanted to go to rehab for a while? The stuff you guys smoked while writing season 8 ruined the damn building. Showtime is still hiring guys to renovate that place and trying to cover-up for the hired shaman that OD'd after 4 epsiodes, great idea btw.

A possible spinoff could be a sitcom, where Deb arrives in heaven/hell, meets her dad and they would always get into fights over his great parenting skills, and where it got them in the end.
I want my paycheck at the end of the week, Scott Buck.

Well you don't have to wait very long for it, that movie would be Rambo II. enjoy

Someone surely can re-edit the series in the Memento style. But if you tell the story backwards than Dexter isn't a killer anymore, he would become someone who could bring people back from the dead. He would find his future-wife Rita in a bathtub of blood - they marry. Eventually he gets bored with her and they stop

Ok, so yesterday I was trying to get back my Dexter s01-04 DVDs from a friend, and a voice in my head said "you want to re-watch it? you really wanna go down that road?". And I was like, fuck it, there are at least 4 legitimate seasons of Dexter. The other 4 seasons are a different show that I will give a bullshit

remember, he has a new identity beard now. So he calls himself Mexter Dorgan

Don't forget that Vic also lost his family. He wanted to have it all, and lost everything in the end.

I wish I had your suspension of disbelief. I really do.

But  the season8 writers came up with the perfect fairy tale solution: Dexter's curse was lifted from the Hannah-McKay-herbal-fairy. And so he became a real boy, but there was a prize to pay: to chop off the whole Canadian forest.

yeah, the moment Batista said "we're going to nail that bastard". I was hoping Dexter would look around and ask if there are any 'real' cops in the building. But then you see Batista and Quinn entering the room and I went literally: "Oh boy….here we go."

I came to the conclusion that this series itself became a Tableau: The writers butchered the original franchise. Re-arranged the corpse. Displayed it on TV. And they probably think it's art.
Freakin' psychos…

pityrules: sounds like every one of my friends XD

Even series that got cancelled and left unfinished, had better endings (TwinPeaks, Life, Rubicon, Smith…)

Think about all the kids on helloween who went as Dexter the past years, they should walk as little lumberjacks now.
Can't wait to see the first Cosplayers.