Spoiled Ants

I'm not sure since I watched the episode only once and never intend to watch it again, but I thought I heard Dexter saying something along "Ive never seen a miracle".
Oh loooord, If only Brother Sam would hear dat, he would slap dat lil' bitch Dexter and baptize him Van-Alden-style.

Quinn was quite devastated after the suicide of his gf, although nothing that a lobotomy inbetween s04 & 05 couldn't fix (which by the way have a time gap of a ca.10 minutes).
I tried to calculate the chances of who could be the next victim of 'The Quinn' if there would be a 9th season.
Considering the exponential drop

Don't forget the donuts. They were the whole reason I sticked to this show for years……years!

I think after the first bad reviews, Scott Buck & Co decided to take out the sequence where the huge PacificRim robot would be crushing through the waves and gently lifts Dexters boat. And that fight with the small apocalyptic undead army that Travis Marshall managed to summon before his death, too.

Admit it, this season and Lumberdex did move you deeply. Nobody will judge you here.
BTW while reading this, I was thinking that nearly every main character lost their lover due to a serial killer or criminal. Batista:1, Dex:1, Debra:3, and poor Quinn lost 2, one killed herself and the other became a vegetable and

One of the biggest verbal jerk-offs I had to read. Even the talk of the spin-off doesn't seem to be motivated from a desire to tell a story, I could literally smell the $$$ between all the lines.

To Dexter's defense (I'm sort of a Dark Defender myself hoho) he helped her out a lot, becoming a better police officer. She moved into his apartment when she needed a place to stay and he pretented to listen when she needed someone to talk to. I want to add, this all happened in the first seasons, when the writers

I think that's why it was so boring to watch. There was no internal struggle here (only in the beginning of the season). Somehow the last episodes were just about an external conflict (how to get out of Miami & how to get rid of Saxon).

I think it can only go better from here on for the writers. Besides, we don't know how much the writers are responsible for this mess. After all they have to work for the showrunner and express his ideas, and this guy maybe has to incorporate the ideas form some suits of the network. We'll never know.

I think the shittiest CGI was the kid Harrison. That treadmill scene wasn't even animated convincingly, and that should be the easiest stuff for an animator. A comedy gold mine.

Trademarking 'Dextard' right now.

Well, I think you're right what the writers intention were with Vogel and the theme of the season. Problem is: it has already been told, and in a much better way, I might add. It's a weak copy of season4, instead of Rita, Deb dies as a consequence. They wasted this season on old themes (euthanasia: see s02) that have

well, they thought it's the last epsiode, why not experiment with *subtlety*. The only problem is that it doesn't work with Det.Cokehead and Lt."I was promoted because I slept with the last Lt."
They should have shown these two smoking a joint before they interrogate Dex, and then when Dexter leaves the room they would

Agree, especially with the character of Deb. I couldnt 'stand her for 4 seasons straight. But she's the only character in the whole series which had a consistent arc until the end, so obviously the 1st prize for her was: BrainDamage. Congratulations. She was the only humanity left in a show filled with constructed

I alreay forgot about that plot, that's how good it was.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit, if she had appeared in Dexters hut at the end. And she would be monologuing of how she's LaGuerta's neglected daughter and now is coming to take revenge…..wait, that's TheDarkKnightRises again.
Well, but it would fit right in the tone of the series, which became more and more like

change 'Florida' to 'Showtime' and 'justice system' into 'showrunner' and then you get a rhetorical question.

If Saxon was supposed to be that clever calculated killer the show desperately wanted us to believe, than he would have done nothing, certainly not grab the pen to give Dexter an excuse to kill him in self-defence. I mean, Dexter literally told him what he was about to do. That sequence was so stupid and boring in

I think there were seeds already in season 2, when that Dark Defender bull appeared. Also the ending, the way they dealt with the moral issue about handling Doakes via DeusexMachina was the beginning of the many cop-outs this series would start to churn out.

I've only watched BB until season 2 and maybe continue to pick it up next year. But I still think that Dexter managed a one-of-a-kind steep decline in quality of writing, acting, visuals and drama. Just my opinion.