Spoiled Ants

1.yeah, it had a weird vibe as if watching an alternate universe from the Twilight Zone, Deb acts like she is Dexters stepdaughter gushing for him like she's in love…..oh,wait.

Ok, so this is going to be our last therapy session, it was a great time everybody. Thanks Josh, for trying to stay optimistic and giving the series a chance, although for years the show treated us like an abusive husband.
I'll try to make it quick:

It literally reeked of spin-off. This "final" episode doesn't even feel like a consequent ending. More like an option to make a movie or continue the series 5 years from now, maybe even with a different actor, since Dexter became an empty vessel like James Bond. Closure my ass.

I'm not so sure if Hannah is really too happy. She reconciles with her ex, wants to flee the country, and has to wait for days with the risk being exposed growing everyday. That must be a nice feeling, only because her boyfriend has some buisness with a Vogel and a brainscoop killer. So that in the end he commits

Didn't read the whole thing, way too painful. But there's a poll at the end. Apparently the majority seems to be disappointed with the final episode but satisfied with the season as a whole.

I think Homeland was already starting to get significantly weaker in Season2. I'm afraid they'll get rid of Brody sooner or later just for shock value and then it's just a downward spiral.

Man, finally things were getting interesting when Dexter grabbed a fork, I was hoping for Saxon to pick up a spoon and we would get THE best fight since Doakes surprised that mothafucka.
Too bad Batista found the teleporter for the 2nd floor. Lots of teleporting in this episode: like the detective guy on the bus, who

Well, Michael C. Hall was Executive Producer on the show since season 5, or 4 (not sure). So in my soap-opera-mind I always thought that he went up to the writers room and gave them fifty bucks to invent the 'Deb falls in love with her brother' plot, so he could get some post-marital sugar, if ye all know what I mean.

Well it certainly is better than the snoozefest we got, a bit cheesy, but in a show that went to become 'The Ghostwhisperer' it's totally legit. What strikes me most is the attitude Clyde Phillips has towards our protagonist, compare that to Scott Buck who tries to make Serial-Jesus out of Dex (with apocalypse and

Death Note started great, but declined after episode7, the plots just
became more and more ridiculous, I watched it till the end nonethless.

Well, if you like voice-overs, you should definitely watch the british comedy series 'Peep Show'. You can find all the episodes even on youtube.

I agree, a very good scene, too bad that they drained out the sub-text ("Yes,I'm gay", "You and I could be friends" etc), better watch HEAT again, writers.
But what I really like about this, is that it sets a dark, shadowing mood, plots are starting to tie into each other and bad things are about to happen. Dex and

Hehe, they pulled a Dexter on you and your career XD
I think to keep your dignity, you have to swallow the bitter pill and correct that bio into "dexter'S LABORATORY".

I remember a time when I used to recommend people to watch Dexter *sigh* indeed a long time ago.
In the last 4 years I narrowed it down and only recommended season 1&2. Now since the series became a virus, who's only function is to eat itself and make this show suck so hard that I will never ever admit to a

On top of that, they never played with the idea that he is a compromise of a serial killer. Lot of serial killers want to mock the society and show their 'Tableaus'  to the world (couldn't resist). Dexter always had to make his victims 'disappear', what if he got tired of that? I liked the ending of season 1 where he

I wouldn't define her as a serial killer in terms of the show's standard definition. Well, technically speaking she is, because she killed a number of people. But she doesn't have a ritual or an urge to kill, so she could start a new life/ fresh start. She just kills if she has to, like if her identity is going to get

Yeah, that would be the ultimate Fuck-you to the audience, if the last episode will be a "looking-back-epsiode" where they introduce a Master-of-Disguise-villain called the Scarlet Pimpernel. And he would say things like "remember the crocodile in S1 which barely snapped off your winky…. that was me. Or that old fat

I think it will end up that Lemonhead is eloping with Hannah to Mexico. Dex is devasted and crying while bathing in her pile of underwear, incoming Flashbacks of previous boring softsex scenes with her. Than he puts a gun into his mouth, screams "You're tearing me apart Hannaaah" and BOOOOMMM. (alternately he can