Spoiled Ants

my new annoying ring tone for work, when i 'forget' my phone on the desk "ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow"

Yeah, she could at least try to churn out her "cold-stepmother"-performance she did earlier in the season and then it turns out it doesn't work on him. But no, they want to play this tenseless scene totally one-note. Since 2 episodes now, every scene/opportunity they have to make this Poor-Man's-Gosling in any way

Welcome to Miami Moron.
Man, lucky I didn't drink something during the Dexter/Batista conversation otherwise I'd have to clean up my monitor real good, when he stated his reasons to quit the force:….wait for it……….because of Rita's death…pffffhahahahahahahaha—. That was 4 seasons ago, you plum! And the writers didn't

OK, they said she must have known the killer so it must be Quinn (the boyfriend of her best friend).  And he had a hard-on for Bieber since day one. They gonna show a flashback montage of  how he killed Rita too and then him standing on the grassy knoll with a rifle in 1963. Sounds stupid?
Not if you're a writer for

For me it was much more the shot, after Jack tells him Will took Abigail with him. It is honest surprise on his face, than calculating his options mixed with disapointment, and then coming to the conclusion to give up his toy, the last bit is him getting back to his facade as the worried doctor.

Man, this episode definitely gave me the biggest disappointment punch in my balls, when Quinn finally could've confronted Dexter, all the bullsh**t about his character could've been redeemed right there, right now. But instead
he drove off to shag Jamie, laughing (at us?)…. I think this scene is a huge metaphor for

"Dex training Zach". It doesn't feel earned, the writers failed (or didn't make an effort) to make that kid interesting in any way.
Besides, the Dextor-the-mentor-gimmick has been pulled to many times in the past: Miguel, Lumen. We had this kid in season 1 from the Everglades who didn't have a code and comitted