
Burt Ward for VPOTUS!

Yeah, I would totally vote for Cornel West for POTUS.

We're not bad people, but we did ANOTHER bad thing!

So you're saying you'd like to see more Butz?

I quite enjoyed Bloodline, but I think one season was enough. It played like a miniseries with a pretty satisfying and concrete ending. The attempts to string us along into another season seemed like a desperate afterthought.

Eh, if you adjust for inflation it's not even in the top 25. Well, not yet anyway.

Not to shoot the messenger, but goddamn is that article obnoxious.

Really? I thought the world-building was one of the outstanding aspects of Jurassic World. I mean, we see the petting zoo, an aviary, the raptor's den, Sea World, the rolly ball attraction, the big hybrid dino's lair, the labs, the control center…

I haven't seen Sucker Punch, but…yes.

No one likes to see how the sausage is made.

Well, Junior Senior isn't going to like this one bit.

*Looks around, sees angry geek mob*

Being called a "philistine" over comic books. Only on the internet!

It means they're filthy liars. There's no such thing as a standalone superhero movie anymore.

Ben Affleck set to direct and co-write

Hahahahaha I DON'T GET IT

Right, because there's no apparent musical evolution from "We Don't Care" to "Black Skinhead".

44? You don't sound a day over 100!

Request denied.

I know I heard Arctic Monkeys when they sorta blew up a few years back, but didn't remember what they sound like. Just checked out a couple things on Youtube and I've already forgotten again.