

Star Wars is in trouble!

As the old saying goes, one man's garbage is another man's trash.

Pour one out for The Bookhouse Boys.

James Woods?

Oh my God they're GORGEOUS!

Yeah, that's what I thought—you obviously haven't seen the original and can't defend your previous statement. Hush child.

And have you actually seen Django 1966? You see a lot of similarities between that and the character in Tarantino's movie?

it's not harsh so much as inarguably false.

You're right about the heartless bitch part, though the man as played by Paul Rudd was not especially smart and there was no jealousy. I still like that movie though, even if its plot was cooked up by LaBute's sexist ideology.

Great finale. I was surprised by just how much the ending affected me.

I'd have five nickels!

No, that would still be totally creepy if she was 18. Plus he paid for the sex, which would be illegal even if she wasn't a minor. The saddest thing is that there are apparently underage prostitutes just waiting to be exploited by the Jareds of the world.

I'm down to trade if we can figure out the exchange rates. How many Buffalo Toms makes an REM? How many Lemonheads to a Gin Blossom?

Bury it deeper next time! ;)

Guess I gotta find a new supplier for all my Crash Test Dummies/Cranberries/Terrence Trent D'arby needs.

Yeah, the years have not been kind to ol' Kilborn. He looked 20 years older than anyone in the E Street Band.

Yeah, it's actually pretty decent considering it's Arby's and it's 2am and you're sorta drunk and definitely high. Or so I've been told.

Pfftt….that's just the kind of thing a girl-liker would say!

Improper interference, the most heinous interference of all.