John Paulsen

"Extra cartoony in their jerkishness" — exactly! My wife gave up on the show mid-episode for that reason. I'm sticking with it for a while but it's on thin ice. Not to impressed with the first two eps.

"Weiss has been nothing but pragmatic and quietly competent in her handling of the case, so this sudden shift doesn’t feel well motivated."

Why come onto the comment section for Ep 3 and talk about how the final episode went off the rails? I don't want to know that.

The fact that Mr. Sava gives consistently higher grades to DC's Legends of Tomorrow is one of the great mysteries of the internet.

@Alasdair - I cringe anytime a flashback begins and usually fast-forward through them.

Kayla — I thought the same thing about the baby bump, but am now thinking that she's pregnant for the 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) time when she returns to the "present."

Me too! Such short shrift in the review. I think we can add The Dragon Whisperer to Tyrion's list of nicknames.

I was also reminded of Dukes during that scene. I didn't think the episode was bad but the scene was ridiculous.

This, this, a thousand times this.

Joshua - I'm not sure Tower Joe can see Ghost Patti. He may have just been asking about Kevin's imaginary friend.

I don't know about everyone else, but Skye's character (and the show) turned a major corner in s02e19 with the badass fight scene.

Harder to Breath

The whole Barry-decides-to-risk-destroying-the-planet-to-save-his-mom-and-then-doesn't-save-his-mom-but-still-destroys-the-planet thing kind of ruined the finale for me, even if he ends up saving the planet.

I thought it was interesting that much of her letter to Sally was focused on finding the right dress and having her hair done the way she likes it. She's still vain (as many people would be in these circumstances), but showed growth with a few nice words about Sally's spirit.

If anyone was wondering, $250,000 in 1970 is worth about $1,500,000 in today's dollars. Not a bad haul for Joan.

Rolled my eyes at that criticism ("poorly defined female characters"). Sally and Meg are well-defined, no? We're surprised that the spouses aren't as fleshed out as the main family in a family drama?

My favorite line…

Anyone else get the creeps when Avery saw Willa with Raylen? He's savvy enough to have done his homework on Givens (and know he has a newborn), but I have a sinking feeling that the baby will be in peril at some point.

At least Aidan knows he's a douchebag. That sort of self-awareness is refreshing in the douchebag community.

It was a satisfying, if unsurprising, finale…though Victor's sister was a nice surprise.