John Paulsen

I'm a white male, so maybe I'm not allowed to speak on such things, but I don't understand the reviewer's assumption about Sorkin's opinions when he wrote both sides of a very even argument. He has done this well since his days at "The West Wing." I've always found his female characters (MacKenzie, Sloan, Maggie on

That still doesn't explain why he'd approach a known murderer in the first place. He spends the rest of the episode deftly wriggling out of the situation he stupidly created.

For all his faults, Lester is a survivor, which is why his decision to approach Malvo in Vegas such a head-scratcher. I suppose he wants to impress Malvo with his accomplishments, but really, would Malvo be all that impressed? Seems like a really, really, really, really terrible decision to approach Malvo after so

It's silly to grumble about anyone being "untouchable" after the Red Wedding. I seriously thought that Jon was going to bite it.

People that watch "next week on GoT" scenes shouldn't complain when they see a spoiler. No disrespect.

I nearly did a spit take when Louis slipped as he entered her house (while she so delicately saunters in).

Well you said "what's not to feel angry about?" which implies that it's obvious which I don't believe it is, hence the question. I don't know why she's treating him like an a-hole when he's clearly at an all-time low and she wouldn't be where she is without his influence in her life. I don't understand why she (and

So it's Don's fault for helping her to succeed in advertising? If she's angry about where her life is at (which is pretty ridiculous, IMO), she only has herself to blame.

Can someone explain why Peggy is so angry with Don? After all he has done for her, one would think she would show some compassion for her former mentor given his current circumstances. She's playing mind games with a man who is at his wit's end.

I nearly did a spit take when Betty asked, "Am I good mother?"

I believe Peet touched Joel's hand at their cc-alarming midnight dinner.

I watched the two seasons of Enlightened over the last couple of months after seeing the AV Club ranked it ahead of Breaking Bad. It was a fine show, but it was no Breaking Bad, IMO.

Surprised by the C+. I thought this was a pretty effective episode, all things considered. B+ for me.

Agreed. Danny makes my skin crawl, especially the episode where he ran Raylan's girlfriend off the road and was barking at her. He needs to die.

A messy season of Justified is necessarily a bad thing. I kind of like the fact that we don't really know where things are headed. My only prediction is that Raylan kills Danny Crowe at some point before the season finale.

I especially liked that it was Marty — not Rust — who broke the case by pulling a rather mundane needle (the photo of a freshly painted house) from the proverbial haystack of his mind. Marty had always been the complement to Rust’s brilliance, but he was the one that was able to find the final piece of the puzzle.

SEASON 2 SPOILER - The 2nd season got off to a rough start when it was revealed that Rabbit (SPOILER) somehow got away at the end of the first season after getting plugged twice in the chest. I don't think there was even a shot of him crawling/scurrying off. That was a difficult pill to swallow in the first episode. I

Of course fortysomething Sarah breaks up with the handsome doctor who says he may be falling for her. Instead of just saying "No thank you to Africa, but be safe and I'll see you when you get back" she breaks up with the best guy she's ever had the chance to date. Do I know for a fact that he's the best? No, but it's

Not sure if this is/was obvious, but it wasn't mentioned in the write-up - Cohle met the Lawnmower Man before, in Episode 3 at the closed school. Here's a side-by-side pic from each episode: http://imgur.com/1Lf9W9D (Notice that the beard would hide the facial scarring, so Cohle wouldn't think of him.)

My assumption is that the two had been drinking for a bit before the outburst, so more than the "two sips" occurred off camera. Do we really need to monitor every character's intake to accept their level of inebriation?