
Will anybody sign a petition to make Thea Black Canary instead of Laurel? Girl is not cut out for this job.

Hell on Wheels

I actually really like the Caitlin character. At first I thought she was kind of boring and cold (pun intended) but now I get it. She is very guarded but protective of people because of what happened to Ronnie. She's interesting, I like her. I can't wait for more growth from her. Also I remember Danielle Panabaker

Is every episode going to end with Harrison doing something sketchy?

"Hey Caitlin, your dead fiancée kinda looks like this vigilante guy I know over in Starling City."

I will never get over that face. I couldn't stop laughing.

I am totally onboard for a spin off show about two kooky pals living the life in Ba Sing Se starring Wu and Mako where they go shopping and drink smoothies.

Don't forget the part where he turns into a llama.

It would be really unfortunate for the Avatar world to die, but the creators said that they wanted to move on to other projects after Korra. Which is understandable because they must be exhausted.

I'm fairly certain that prince Wu is Kuzco in disguise.

Oh Fantasia. I didn't even make that connection. I was getting a Merlin vibe. I always had this head canon that Mickey was like the ultimate ruler of fairytale land.

Sometimes it can be the actor, but I really liked Freema Agyeman. She could have been one of the best if she had more to work with.

As a huge Rose fan, I actually love Martha. But she unfortunately fell victim to bad writing and being a love sick puppy, like a lot of smart female characters. Also her clear jealously for Rose got old. Again, all writing problems.

Oh and the Doctor has called her a bossy, control freak multiple times, but I have never gotten that vibe. It's not enough just to tell us, they have to show us.

My problem with her is that she doesn't seem to have any obvious flaws. Every companion has at least one prominent flaw except her. She's like the perfect cookie cutter companion. She's so great that its actually annoying.

Am I the only one wondering how Clara's hair got so long? Are there hair extensions in the Tardis?

I feel like we got more of a personality from Danny Pink in one episode, than we did from Clara all last season. That being said, he is quite adorkable. I hope he serves another purpose other than being Clara's love interest though. To be honest, she doesn't need one.

What about, "That's not the question, the question is….."

"Is he grey?"
And still not ginger……

David Tennant is probably sitting at home like: "I faked an accent for three damn seasons."