
I don't know, I kind of enjoyed it. I like that the show clearly doesn't take itself too seriously. Any show with a talking cat shouldn't.

When the Daleks are more progressive than humans, you know there's a problem.

"A female doctor!? What are ya gonna tell me next, women are allowed to vote!?"

She's so beautiful, and she's gonna do a great job. I just hate that the angry fan boys are gonna be watching her like a hawk, and hoping that she fails just so that they can go on twitter and gloat.

The fact that they rehashed the original plot of the show again makes me want to lay down and contemplate life for a moment, but I have to admit that I am intrigued. And I hate that I am.

I used to really love this show. Season one was the most magical thing I had ever seen. I really liked the concept of all of the characters having no idea that they used to live in a fairytale world. In my opinion they went wrong with having them regain their memories at the end of the first season. They could have

For the love of all that is good in this world, end the show. This show ran it's course a long time ago. They can't keep milking it anymore. Emma got her happy ending, it would be the perfect time to say goodbye.

I don't understand why she isn't apart of the main cast by this point. They show her as a member of the group, but she's still considered a guest?

Lexa, Laurel, why is everyone dying!? Is it just girls with L names?

At least give the stunt doubles some credit.

She was just a lawyer and she just wanted to save the city and be a hero. Here comes the sadness.

"Been there done that sis." - Sara Lance

At least she is with Tommy. I honestly think he was the love of her life, not Oliver.

And we all thought it was gonna be Quentin. Different Lance.

I was never a huge fan of Laurel but I have recently grown to love her. Damm this was crazy. I feel nothing other than complete shock at the moment.

That's what bothers me too. It's okay to be upset about a character death but it wasn't done just for the hell of it. People just want to rant.

The fandom has actually exploded today, Twitter is a war zone at the moment.

As an LGBTQ person, I was mad at first not gonna lie. But, given the circumstances and the unavailability of Alycia, it softens the blow. It would be different if it were done just for the shock value, but the writers didn't have much of a choice so I get it. The Clexa relationship did mean a lot to me and others


Lexa was a lead lesbian character who was also strong, complicated, beautiful and just an overall bad ass. That's why this hurts so much. She was truly unique in a world of generic TV. But I understand why it had to happen. Big props to Alycia for making Lexa a fantastic character. I need to go cry now.