Senator Clay Davis

Just from the comments everywhere, I've come away from this thread with the distinct impression that I need to see NIN now.

A lot of bands are absolutely awful or just annoying on record, but are great to see live. The opposite is true where many bands make great records but suck out loud live (see the recurring Animal Collective complaints)

I've seen them 3 times, not counting a time the show sold out and they played covers in the parking lot for people before the set. Great show every time.

After seeing him once, all @pfe116:disqus could say was "Gimme Some More"

Game, plaids

I know I'm being that guy right now, but Fire Escape might be my least favorite pop song since nu metal was big. I want to eat a bullet every time I hear that opening forced rhyme couplet, and it manages to somehow pack every cliche from the last 5 years of mainstream alternative radio into a 3 minute running time.

Having seen Modest Mouse once in 2003 and once last year, I can confirm that they are about 10x better in a smaller venue.

Future Islands. They got started in eastern NC and used to tour religiously here before making it big. I've probably seen them about 10 times. I'm kind of ready for their popularity to cool a bit so I can see them again in a club setting, where their manic energy belongs. I've seen them on a big festival stage a

I was at that show, it was good as heck

The best Beatles album is the first two discs of All Things Must Pass, followed by Revolver.

It's actually "throwing the 3rd LP of All Things Must Pass directly into the garbage and listening to the first 2 on repeat"

All of the off-base criticisms people make towards Pet Sounds are actually true of Smile imo. Pet Sounds is a desert island disc for me, but I've never been able to make it through Smile without turning it off in boredom.

Basically. For what it's worth, I reach for Pet Sounds pretty much once every 6 months, while I haven't played Sgt. Peppers in years.

This debate basically boils down to whether you were a goofy nerd or a terminally depressed nerd in high school.

Rest in Piss

extremely overlooked band

I did the same thing, and Jawbreaker are still really goddamn good. Revisiting Thursday and Glassjaw was a painful experience, though.

Jim was the normie secret sauce keeping the rest of the band from delving too deep into embarrassing stream of consciousness lyrical and guitar wankery.

The first album Acrobatic Tenement and the demos/EPs that preceded it are very stylistically similar to Jawbreaker, SDRE, etc. By In/Casino/Out they had largely shed that sound for some weird hardcore/punk/prog/latin mixture that was unlike anything else at the time. The emo label is just music critics being lazy

The one weird Cusack movie you just have to see to believe. Record store clerks HATE it!